Question of the Week

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?


Germany, because I have some family roots there, and my spouse's mother has sisters there, and it'd be cool to see them.

Do you have any concerns on the impact of air travel on our planet?

Yeah, I do believe that we should all be conscious of our impact and look for ways to offset that through our everyday life.


Honestly, I really want to see the East Coast. I think there is so much history that I don't know about because I haven't seen it.

What interests you about the culture there?

I lived in Maryland till sixth grade, then we moved out West here. But just knowing that there's buildings that are hundreds of years old and that our history started there.


Scotland. I have family from there and just something about this gorgeous little culture of people who extend back thousands of years.

Would you be willing to pay more for airfare to offset the carbon footprint?

Yes. I think that if we are going to make travel a continuing sustainable part of life... If you are able to afford to, I do think it's important.


Immediately, Mexico. I would love to visit my family and all the land that we have down there. And especially since they're in Colima, so they're very close to the beach, and water's my thing.

What interests you about the culture there?

Seeing as I didn't really grow up in authentic Mexican culture, I grew up here in America... I want to just experience it firsthand.


I think Amsterdam? 'Cause it seems like such a beautiful place. I would love to be able to just travel around on bikes. It's consistently the happiest place in the world.

Do you have any concerns on the impacts of air travel on our planet?

I do. I also think that it's important to still connect with other cultures and other people.

Mark as Favorite

It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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