Special prep for Expo 50, Dom + Bomb gains national recognition; plus, new Spider-Man adventures!


There's no doubt that Spokane is going all out for next year's 50th anniversary celebration of Expo '74, which laid the foundation for the city's future as we know it. As the smallest city ever to host the World's Fair, which was environmentally themed in 1974, Spokane saw its downtown core around the river transformed from a polluted, industrial railyard to the public greenspace now known as Riverfront Park. In preparation for a nine-week 50th anniversary celebration kicking off on May 4, 2024, locals can pitch in by donating $74 to the new CLUB '74 program. Donors' support will help fund free, family-friendly activities and programs, ranging from fireworks and other entertainment happening in Riverfront Park and around the community. Members to the club will gain access to special Club '74 content and events. Learn more at visitspokane.com/expo-50. (CHEY SCOTT)


Spokane-based, queer-owned small business DOM + BOMB was recently recognized on a national scale for its excellence and commitment to uplifting people of color, women, and the LGBTQ+ community. The inclusive fashion brand — which offers clothing, mending, tailoring, gender-affirming clothing and other services while fighting back against fatphobia and the gender binary — was recently recognized as part of the "Queer to Stay: An LGBTQ+ Business Preservation Initiative" by the national Human Rights Campaign and SHOWTIME network. The program this year recognizes 25 small businesses around the U.S. that are fighting hate and creating inclusive, safe spaces for the queer community. Learn more at domandbomb.com. (CHEY SCOTT)


When kids dream of being Spider-Man, the main appeal often isn't the super strength, remarkable agility, Spidey sense or any of that — it's web-swinging through town. The developers of the 2018 PlayStation 4 video game Spider-Man understood this, and it led them to craft one of the greatest video games of all time. The newly released SPIDER-MAN 2 for PlayStation 5 blissfully builds on this legacy. Sure, it's thrilling to switch between playing as Peter Parker or Miles Morales. Sure, it's wonderful to beat up henchmen of rogues like Sandman or Kraven the Hunter. Sure, it's engaging to have a new take on the Venom/symbiote storyline. Sure, all the little science and photographic side quests are a kick. But I could spend hours just swinging around the game's digital New York City because the scale of the map and the perfected physics engine make the traversal feel... well... super. (SETH SOMMERFELD)

Cinderella @ Kroc Center

Saturdays, Sundays, 3 p.m. Continues through March 2
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