After a holiday season of mowing down cheeseballs and hoarding Christmas cookies in your cheeks, you might need to hit the reset button on your health around the first of the year. And chances are, you’re not alone in feeling like a giant cesspool of butter and ham and cheese. For those on your list who might be looking to shed a few pounds or cleanse themselves from the inside out without diet pills or starvation, consider these health-boosting items.
It’s a no-brainer that a really awesome ginger-packed green juice is better afternoon pick-me-up than a sugary latte or a soda from the office kitchen. Problem is, buying juice gets pricey. So why not make them for yourself at home? The Omega Juicer isn’t the priciest one at the Kitchen Engine, but it’s a good one because it’s a “masticating” juicer — meaning your juices will have a lot more fiber in them than the old Jack Lalanne models. Experiment with making your own juice concoctions, and toast yourself on your renewed health.
$299 • The Kitchen Engine • Inside the Flour Mill, 621 W. Mallon Ave. #416
$68 • Lululemon Athletica • 117 N. Howard
Barefoot or “minimal” running trends have exploded in recent years, and local shoe shops are on-board with the trend. According to Nate Kinghorn, manager at the Runner’s Soul, minimal shoes like New Balance’s are great “training tools” that help with straightening muscles and enable runners to get good contact with the road. Many companies make minimal shoes, but we think the New Balance ones are the coolest looking.
$100 • Runner’s Soul • 221 N. Wall St. • 10208 N. Division St.
$99, one month unlimited new client special • The Bar Method • 2023 E. 29th Ave.