With your hearts cracked open: You said that you've already called the carpenter. Rubbing the dried blood off your knuckles, you softly told me, "she said enough; not now," and that you have already called the carpenter to fix the door. "It's the right thing, mom, we love each other but we need to be apart — for now." You are kind and loving with each other. Now, a prom-posal and life-size teddy bear that you surrender to sleep each night — sit outside your door. I'm listening to Graham Nash — "our house is very very very fine house" and wishing you both warm peace and long wisdom.
Searching for you: I saw you at the shoe store in the NorthTown Mall in Spokane a week or so ago. Our eyes met and we chatted briefly. I looked away and you were gone. Huge mistake on my part. I didn't get your name. You were absolutely stunning and I'd like to see you again. Hope you see this and we can meet again. maywoodrocker@gmail.com
D'lish Meeting: I saw you at D'lish on Wednesday, last week. I was the blonde in the faux leather jacket trying to balance three beverages unsuccessfully. I appreciated your sharing of allotted ice after the machine broke and admired your patience and candor. That place was a madhouse because of the 20th anniversary deals. Maybe we can grab a burger and fries sometime? You look like someone who appreciates the little things.
Help With Flat Tire: To the two gentlemen working the counter at the Exxon station on University and 16th, Saturday, Dec. 8: Thank you so much for your kind attention and effort to help me on my way after I pulled into your lot with a tire as flat as a doormat. Thanks especially for hooking me up with Scott from Pete's Honda, who showed up and promptly set about changing my tire for me! I was feeling very challenged at the time, trying to get home to a post-op patient and still get some errands done, and you all saved me a great deal of anguish and time in the cold. Two of you had work to do, and one of you was trying to spend time with your family, but you all chose to aid me at a difficult moment, and I am sincerely grateful for your generosity and help. You are each a credit to your respective business, and a reminder that truly good people can be found anywhere.
Cheers to you, Miss Dunn!!! I am so very thankful and delighted that you joined our family on July 2, 2018! You make EVERYTHING special, fun, and exciting!!!I am so thankful to God for placing you in our family; out of all the families in the world, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, He gave you to us! We are so unbelievably blessed and grateful. XO - Nana
Love is... Saying you're sorry, changing ways because of past mistakes, forgiveness, and hope. You have overcome relapses, negativity from family and past employers, and the stress I have put you through. We have been through so much, yet we are still together. I dont give in because you are an amazing woman and momma, KLH. Thank you for choosing to fight and make it work. I will be lucky if one day I can call you my wife. I love you to the moon and back. I am immensly proud of you. I love you. - boobear
I love Spokane!!!! To my little city or village: I love the affordable cost of housing in our little city; I love all the free or low cost community events throughout the year; most of all, I love all the friendly smiles and faces I see everyday! #spokaneforlife
I love you Outlander: Whiskey Sours and taking time to focus on us! I couldn't have asked for a better end to our Saturday. I love you, so much.
RE: COWS ETC: OK, what is all this jeering about cows looking and acting as stupid as people. My point being: Have you ever heard a cow belittle with insults another cow? Didn't think so. How about cows who lie and cheat other cows to get what they want? Nadda? AND WHAT ABOUT COWS THAT ARE JUST PLAIN RUDE?!. Look, just because we eat them for lunch dosn't mean we should insult them as well. So if you must compare humanity to anything, then how about a nice steaming pile of cow shit instead? With that in mind please feel free to take a big bite. Merry Christmas, baby.
Good for you, good for Spokane: So Saturday's holiday event was the one of the larger events that is held on Garland. I had a great time and I assume it was successful, but come on business owners! Have a little pride in your appearance. I can't tell you how much trash was littering the streets and sidewalks. Much of it from days and even weeks before the event. One business had so much bird crap out front that I went in and made the people aware and the person working did not seem to care. If you want someone's business, you should try harder. Filthy outside, filthy inside. Take five minutes to pick up the garbage in front of your establishment. It's good for you, and good for Spokane.
Save a life with lights: On Sunday, 11/25 at 10:30 am, you almost T-boned me while I was turning left from 57th to head south on Hatch Road. You were heading westbound on 57th from High Drive. You honked at me. YOU HONKED AT ME! I'm sure you were angry. However, you were the moron driving in thick fog with no headlights! Why is it that people drive and think to themselves "I can see other cars fine?" Same message to people who don't turn on their headlights at dusk or when it's dark. If people are flashing their headlights at you, they are letting you know others can't see you. During rush hour on the Pullman Highway, folks are driving 55 mph (or faster). Others are trying to enter, or cross the highway, to the median and have to make a split-second decisions. Please use your headlights! Lastly, it's amazing how many drivers are operating vehicles with one operating headlight. Please check yours today. ♦