I Saw You

Week of September 23


I Found Your Necklace 9/7: Ft. Spokane Boat Launch Parking Lot. Found delicate necklace with 2 silver hearts. If you're missing it, email me the initials to identify. [email protected]

Happy Hump Day: You were the gorgeous woman with the long lashes who wished me a happy hump day & made my night. I wish you would have come back at 10 to flirt with me again. How about I buy you a Monster & take you to dinner. Come by again or drop me an email [email protected]

Billy Idol Concert 8-12: I was on duty working the concert when you (pretty female) and your male friend (Sergei?) approached my coworker and began to talk to him. I thought you were his date so I didn't pay attention to you. You (pretty female) stepped in front of me and said hello. You closed the distance and told me it was your 28th birthday. I wished you a happy birthday and I mentioned that you were still quite young. You asked me my age and then asked if I was single. I confirmed I was single and you asked me out. I was not expecting someone as pretty as you to ask me out and I got nervous and turned you down. I suck, I know. But I thanked you and told you I was flattered by your gesture. When you walked away, I immediately regretted turning you down. If it means anything and the offer is still good, I'd like to get to know you. You know where I work.

Re: I Saw You Again: Very unlikely I'm the person this was directed at. In the off chance I am, this is what I have to say: You made things clear, said my friendship stresses you out more than any other, then dropped off the face of the Earth. I loved you hard. Wanted something you weren't offering me. I wasn't enough and you didn't choose me. The days leading up to today have been hard and sad. Today was the hardest and saddest. I never imagined walking through the doors of the place I took you to be repaired, to be repaired myself by the same MD, all by myself. No call, no text, no concern whatsoever. The way I'm choosing to move forward is with pride and not embarrassment or shame. Just because I loved you with all my heart and you didn't love me back doesn't mean I'm going to be afraid to love again. Someone will see the gem I am and that I'm more than enough and deserve to be loved back. I have a lot of healing to do before I'm ready for that but I'll get there.


First Interstate Center Staff: Even though I was extremely disappointed having driven up from Moscow to see the Monkees and not being admitted because I'd forgotten my vaccination card, cheers to the ticketing staff at the First Interstate Center who had to deal with a lot of angry customers who were unaware of the current policy. We'd have known if we'd read the Inlander!

So blessed: A couple of weeks ago I was at the Hillyard Safeway with my dad. He's recently in hospice care and we were having a rough day, but needed to go to the store. When we were checking out, the wonderful cashier seemed to know exactly what was happening. He looked me straight in the eyes and told me I was so blessed to have my dad and be able to help him. It was wonderful to hear someone else see it as a blessing and not a burden. I've been thinking about that moment since it happened. Thank you!


Parking Enforcement Shame: Officer. Get a life. A few of the meters in front of my home are 4 hour. The 24 hour ones always get taken. So if I happen to get off late from work most of the time the only spots available are 4 hour parking spots. I have a monthly parking pass but you still find it necessary to ticket me as if there's a business that needs the spots. It's all residential and apartments on this block. Please quit making me wake up 3 hours after going to bed to go find a new parking space just to avoid your ticket happy ways. You guy's doubled your parking fines recently. This is unsustainable. There are literally people that park their project cars for months at a time in the exact same spot. But just because they're in a 24 hour spot they don't get ticketed while having the monthly pass. Ticket them for hogging up all the meters. I'm trying to earn a living over here and paying 60 dollars a month in parking tickets on top of the monthly parking pass to park on the same block as my home is starting to affect my families already borderline poverty level economic status.

You Can't Call Us Heroes and Act Like Assholes: Enough is enough. As a member of the medical community, those of you who refuse to mask, get vaccinated, or simply stay home when you are sick are the sole reason our community is crumbling under this pandemic. Your callous disregard for the safety and security of your community members is bad enough, but then you show up to our emergency rooms begging for help when you cannot breathe, infected by a totally preventable virus. You scream at our nurses and doctors, insisting we are fabricating our diagnoses as you have to be intubated at bedside. Your family threatens us with lawsuits for not being allowed to visit, or because we won't give you animal de-wormer, while insisting this is all a hoax dreamed up by the left. The nurses, doctors, nursing assistants, housekeeping staff, food service providers, phlebotomists, respiratory therapists and everyone else who keeps the hospitals running is so ridiculously sick of your bullshit. If you're not brave enough to get a SAFE vaccine, put a mask on you and your kids. If you can't be bothered to wear a mask, stay home. Your rights don't outweigh every other person in the community. And just remember - if you or someone you love needs a hospital right now for non-COVID related health issues, there is literally no room. We can't care for Granny with her stroke or Pop-Pop with his gallstones, because there is no room anywhere. Thank your asshole neighbors from Idaho for that as well. Stop being gigantic doucheholes and do the right thing for once in your life.

Where's my weekly horoscope?! Hey Inlander- I've been reading your issues for most of my 34 years in life. I love this section (I Saw You, Jeers, Cheers) & I appreciate all the work that goes into the weekly Inlander BUT I'm really missing the horoscope section! It's s been a while since I've seen it... what happened & can we get them back please?! Sincerely- a Pisces missing her pieces. Thanks!

RE: JEERS Unvaxxed by Choice: I completely agree! unvaxxed should automatically forfeit their access to medical care/treatment. I'm in full kidney failure and I've had people tell me I don't have to wear my mask in certain places. I wear it to prevent infection and/or the spread of infection. I've had my shot but my immune system is so compromised that I'll die if I'm exposed. I went to a bar last weekend and the bouncer flipped me $hi+ for wearing a mask while he was checking my ID. The bar was PACKED and had no precautions, no masks on ANYONE and no adherence to the covid laws.

Dodge Trucks - an indicator of the driver's state of mind? I've noticed that a high percentage of folks that fly the dumb flags and insist the last presidential election was "stolen" drive Dodge Trucks. Have others noticed the same? While the Dodge Truck phenomena warrants more investigation. I've also noticed that folks that drive Toyota Tundra's tend to have bike racks or outdoor activity stickers and seem to be less likely to go into road rage mode than the Dodge dudes with dumb Trump flags. Am just wondering if the Right leaning wackos actually get discounts from Dodge. I actually find it kinda funny since the reliability of the Toyota's are for the most part so much better. Makes one wonder... ♦

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