I Saw You

Week of May 4


STORY ABOUT MANAGING HOMELESSNESS: Simple question: Why not ask them what they need to get off the streets? Then work on filling the need.

RE: I SEE YOU EVERYDAY: Hi gub! You're the best gublet ever! Love you lots! You owe me a date to our favorite spot soon. Hehe. Lllaaawwwhhhlll!

LUCY B, RAGNAR MISSES YOU: Last time I saw you was at PetSmart over a year ago. Came to see you, but you were gone. They told me you were alive when I asked if you were okay. Please get in touch...I miss you so much. Just let me and Chuck know you're okay and where you've gone.

LAX TO SPOKANE...U/B AT THE AIRPORT... I saw you both at LAX and in Spokane airport. You, dark and long haired beauty, me with green eyes and a tan. I saw you following me out of the terminal while I was pushing my carts of baggage, and our eyes met (not for the first time) just before you turned around. "Yes" is my answer to you. Feel free to ask me anything... as you wish. Your top was black, and very memorable.


NOW IS OUR CHANCE: Our Great President just confirmed he is running for re-election! That's a load of stress off the people of Spokane's back! Four more years of this administration, and we haven't seen anything yet! Now is the time for this city to catch up with the rest of America. Are we biased or even worse racist in Spokane? I think not! Thank You, Mr. President, for all the hard work you have put in to making America see what truly is important!


SPOKANE MAYOR: Quit trying to cover up for Meidl! There has been NO interrogation, only a report, listen to the people, let the council do their job. Quit being a roadblock; lead, follow, or get out of the way.

CITY COUNCIL: You're killin' the vibe. Live, laugh, love.

NRA MYTH: A small cadre of armed to the teeth civilians with AR-15s and a boatload of ammunition is not going to protect anyone from an Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines with Abrams, Stealth fighters/bombers, howitzers, Apache helicopters armed with Hellfire missles, RPGs, and the myriad weapons of which you've never heard or imagined. The cadre will become a stain on the road.

BALLOON HEAD: To those people that thought the rocket hot air balloon that flew over the Spokane Valley on April 23 was a Chinese spy balloon, please either move to China so you can monitor the activity from the source or buy yourself a brain that works.

PRIDE OF PLACE: Something needs to be mentioned now that spring is here. We are blessed (maybe a too religious of a word here in an ever more agnostic city) to have a beautiful river flowing through our downtown! However, if you ever go to the Waste-to-Energy plant out on the West Plains, you'd see a lot of similarities to the Spokane River — if a river ran down the middle of the dumping floor. Instead of having pride in the natural beauty, we have a garbage dump with a river flowing down the middle! There is no doubt that to clean up parts of this space would take some real abilities as some of the garbage is in dangerous places to get to. So just any civilian showing up with trash bags won't fit the bill. From the Division Street bridge to the pedestrian bridge in People's Park should be pristine! Cut out ALL of the hand-wringing over the "World's Pollution" until you take responsibility for Spokane's pollution! Otherwise, it just you look insincere!

RE: CONSERVATIVE VOTER: While you present that the "conservative voter" has a narrow-minded view of the world around them, you present a narrow-minded view of the conservative voter. A conservative voter isn't ignoring established sciences of biology and chemistry to push a progressive nature of feelings and the affirmation you'd expect. At the same time, like most progressives, you fail to really know what communism and facism are. You throw those words around, but ignore the current world around you. Sure, don't condone slavery, but don't ignore its existence and relevance in the world we live in. Guns used to kill is a very unfortunate event, yet your problem is with guns, not the people who use them, and perhaps their inability to be mentally stable. Start there. Defining freedom is a good start, but a simple Google search could debunk all of your intolerant rant.

THE DRUG STATE: Thanks to our inept leadership in Olympia, drug possession will become legal come July 1. This state is a joke when it comes to the war on drugs. It's long overdue that we the people vote out these people that take away our freedoms and actively promote degeneracy.

RE: NO 4-PLEXES ON 5 MILE: I had no idea Five Mile was such an idyllic paradise. With such good neighborhoods and low crime, how dare these developers think they can bring such unwanted elements into our little enclave — help support our bigotry. Are you serious? Typical observations from the entitled class. Personally I hope they line the whole street for blocks with affordable housing. People have every right to live where they want. Get over yourselves.

WHAT HAPPENED TO 3 STRIKES?! SPD recently arrested an eight-time convicted felon. Whatever happened to the three strikes law? Jeers to those that think these people can change. Lock them up and let the community thrive without having to try and "save" these felons.

KENDALL YARDS JERKFACE DOG OWNER: You live in the apartments facing the Centennial Trail and the river. You have two dogs and some damned nerve to be leaving them out on your balcony to bark at literally every jogger, pedestrian, cyclist, and any other moving thing for long periods at a time. It's not like they can run around or relieve themselves; do you just put them out there to apparently get them out of your hair or something? Do you know what the real rub is? I am not your neighbor! I may as well be, since I now know your dogs' voices as if they were friends. See, I realized these dogs had been barking all day, thought someone had left them in a car, and went out to check. Well, I soon found that these dogs were not on the street, but on the ridge. That's right, we can hear your dogs in Peaceful Valley, folks. The other day, I heard them on Riverside while walking to the store. Ain't no way you're deaf to it; you're just a turd! I just want you to know you suck bad. If your nearby and next-door neighbors haven't already beat me to it, I'll come over there and get your address to report you to SCRAPS as a nuisance.

SAY WHAT NOW? Y'all want how much for a new jail? $305 million! I'm all about law and order but it seems to me you might already have some of those funds if you weren't paying out multimillion-dollar lawsuits every other day for totally avoidable situations. Yeah, let me give you more money, to house more inmates, to expose yourselves to more financial liability when you predictably mishandle a situation or violate someone's rights. I'm startin' to wonder if one of y'all ain't related to one of these attorneys, 'cause at this point we're basically giving money away. Our money, in case you forgot.

AGE DISCRIMINATION: Reading Sunday's paper about "How old is too old for president" really shocked me. But how old is too old for Congress? The oldest members of congress are: Dianne Feinstein, age 89, is a Democratic senator from California. Chuck Grassley, age 89, is a Republican senator from Iowa. Grace Napolitano, age 86, is a Democratic House member from California. Bill Pascrell Jr., age 85, is a Democratic House member from New Jersey. Eleanor Holmes Norton, age 85, is a Democratic House member from the District of Columbia. And these are just the ones over 85 — there's a lot of members 80 years and above, but this doesn't seem to be an issue for them, just for other politicians (Republicans). If age is truly the issue, then it needs to be across the board. If you can't run for president if you're 80, then you shouldn't be able to run or serve in the House or Senate after 80. And if some politicians believe a cognitive tests need to be done on anyone running for president, then the same for the Senate and House members. These politicians vote on very important issues for our country too; it seems only fair. I bet this issue would be dismissed pretty quickly if it pertained to them.

UNMANLY MAN: Real men take responsibility for their actions. The first place cowards run and hide is behind lies. So what kind of man never takes any personal responsibility and takes credit for the success of others? How do we measure the cowardice of a man who was documented telling over 31,000 lies in a mere four years and still continues to lie at a breakneck pace? How should we measure the character of the men who worship and defend such moral cowardice? Is it because they see themselves in the man? Are they fine with being cowardly liars and unmanly puppets that bear no personal responsibility for their unsuccessful lives? I respect real men. I will never respect those who wallow in lies like pigs in mud. You are an embarrassment to our great nation and the men and women of extraordinary courage who made it the beacon of democracy around the world. We reject your bigotry, hatred and violence. ♦

Broken Mic @ Neato Burrito

Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.
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