Beautiful people of Walmart? At the Shadle Walmart on Dec. 1 @11:50 am, I was getting some more Christmas presents and you were there with your mom getting a phone. You smiled your beautiful smile at me and I told you how beautiful your baby was, which was a dog. I dig your chic style, your lip piercings, your fashionable boots, but most of all that amazing smile. Thanks for sharing it with me.
The double B at Atticus (beautiful barista) I saw you Sunday at Atticus coffee. I ordered a latte and It was amazing. You: cute brunette with plugs and tattoos, you're uplifting voice is in a world of its own. Beautiful and slightly mysterious... — BW
Homework at Starbucks on Black Friday On black Friday, most people are out fighting over all the deals; while you, the pretty Asian girl, is sitting at Starbucks on Evergreen doing homework. I asked you what you were studying, and you told me Anatomy and Physiology. I then asked you what field you were hoping to go into, and you answered medical/nursing, and I replied with something cheesy like "you'll be the prettiest nurse out there saving lives". Anyway it so happens that I am a Biology Major. If you need ever need a tutor, or just some company email me at
Trader Joe's Saw you today at Trader Joe's. We smiled at each other and you kind of laughed when I grabbed the chocolate covered blueberries. You had on a San Diego shirt and I had on a hat with something on it. If your single (saw no ring) and would like to share some chat and a latte, respond with what was on the hat, also what was on my left arm. If not, thanks for the gorgeous smile, took me back to So. Cal. many years ago.
House Fire: Ruined Toys for 3 yr old You came into the North Division White Elephant on Thursday, Dec. 3, wanting to return two toys you had bought for your child's birthday. The toys were ruined in the fire and you didn't want to give them to your child due to the damage and asbestos. You were not able to replace them so ended up leaving them on the counter and walked away with nothing to give your 3 yr old. We would love to be able to help your family in your time of need. Please contact me and we will try to make your holidays brighter. Email me at
Dog owner I saw you and your German Shepherd (one blue eye) at the Spokanimal dog park Saturday Dec 5. Your dog bit my miniature schnauzer. You left the park and I have none of your information. Turns out my dog's neck had a large gash to which we had to go to the vet for. I need to find out if your dog is vaccinated. Please e-mail me.
valley target you were in line ahead of me and my grand daughter saw your bouncy balls and kept trying to grab them. you paid for your items then reached into your cart and grabbed one of the balls and handed it to her and said merry christmas!! I thought you were really cute and would like to get to know you over a cup of coffee!! you can email me at I really look forward to coffee with you!!
To Carissa who kept us warm Carissa (spelling) Thank you so much for coming to my 1 year old son and mines rescue this morning. Getting hit by another car us very stressful and was for both me and my son, and to have a nice person just show up and offer her warm car while the police took their reports and medics checked us out was exemplary. Thank you again for all of your help. We are eternally grateful. Shannon & Dylan
Kupp o' Cheer Our wholehearted support to Cooper Kupp for deciding to stay at Eastern. Offensive MVP is indeed an understatement. My husband (a veteran) and I (a National Merit Scholar) both had to work while we were earning our BAE degrees. During your last year at our alma mater, please pick up a philosophy course (does the being you've created in your own image really care about football's contribution to humanity?) Also, go back to remedial English and master the fundamentals of pronoun case.
Cheers to the guy who bought my groceries Having less money in my ebt account than I had thought, I was definitely embarrassed when I couldn't afford all my food at the grocery store. While I was outside checking my balance, you covered almost all my groceries. Thank you so much! It was such a selfless act, and it has truly inspired me. Your act of kindness is more than appreciated, it is admired. You've reassured me that everything really does happen for a reason, and that there is hope for love in a society so cold. Merry Christmas
Osborn Denture Clinic I went to this clinic to get a new denture on top and put new teeth on a bottom implant plate and so glad I did. Ben Osborn had never done this before yet he took on the challenge gladly. He is so understanding, great listener and so very respectful plus he's fun. got the top denture today and my smile is now complete. I promise you if you need dentures made or fixed this office is the place to go. Oh, the staff is so nice also. Ben, you are a pedigree individual and U and your family have the best Xmas/New Year ever. Thank You JC
Local Sports Coverage Not everyone in this town is a Cougar fan! I see this mysterious " W" all over town, on cars and clothing! This is Washington State and I happen to be a Husky fan like many others. Come on ladies and gentlemen, you always show the Cougs on the news (the whole entire show) when they win, put when they lose you pretend it didn't happen. How about you show the game highlights for every fan. Not just stupid Coug fans. In Seattle newspapers and tv news programs have coverage of all Washington teams! Btw 70-32-6. Go Dawgs!
RE: Windstorm Failure Clearly you wrote out of frustration and lack of knowledge. Warming centers and shelters were open all over the area. Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, and the American Red Cross ALL had shelters up. Spokane (2), Cheney, Coeur D'Alene, and Pullman had family friendly shelters available 24 hrs a day when the need was clear. All staffed and prepared to help ANYONE effected by the storm. Paramedics even staffed some locations 24 hrs a day in case there was a need. Before you go on a finger pointing rant, get your facts straight. It will help you from sounding like an idiot.
SPOKANE BIKE WARS OF 2015 As a person in Spokane whose only mode of self-transportation is a bike when one of the tires isn't flat, you have to understand how annoying it is when I get birds and angry horns all the time. What dafuq am I doing so wrong that you're pissed? For your information, it is illegal for bikes to use sidewalks. That's the reason why I'm in the road. I'm not in the road trying to piss you off. I'm in the road riding to ride my bike the legal way. Last time I checked sidewalks are for walking, not biking.
Christmas Gift Thief To the lowlife scumbag who stole the package off my front porch: That package was addressed to me, not you. You committed a federal offense. One day you will ask yourself why your life isn't going so great — just know that it is the universe righting the wrongs you have done: Karma. That was a gift for someone who deserved it, not a piece of s**t like you. You will get yours.
A Weak God? You claim your God exists and is the greatest and most powerful force in the universe. If so, then why are you reduced to doing his dirty work for him? If your God is so offended by the words or deeds of these infidels why does he not destroy them himself, in a manner that defies all laws of physics and science, a manner that could only be interpreted as supernatural? You're not helping to make the case for your God. You are behaving in a manner a people would who had no God at all. ♦