I Saw You

Week of January 14th

Looking For Movie On Wednesday You and I were looking for movies at the Redbox machine on 57th at Albertsons. You asked me if I had seen any good thrillers. I admitted I had not. I should have at least asked your name and if you found a good movie. Maybe we can talk about what you saw over drinks.

Toad You are my world. I'm so lucky to have met you...baby the first day I saw you, I knew we were soul mates. I can't wait to spend a long beautiful life with you. To the end of the world and back! COCO n TOAD

Do fairytales come true? I saw u half a lifetime ago, it took almost 2 decades.. a ton of heartache AND MAYHEM. I think it would have been easier to open your eyes then, but atleast u can see clearly now. Rex i am grateful for everything u r, it is not a matter of what u do, not because u dont do anything, you do so much but i am grateful to have you in my life, apart of every day. I am grateful ur my friend, u keep me safe, u expect others to treat me with respect and u except nothing else. It amazes me that you stay so driven and focused and i can't wait for you to get home you are my fairy tail. it doesn't matter how long we have this is our infinity and i am going to cherish our infinity. i love you

A beautiful man in a black Porsche You, a handsome young man sitting playfully in your black Porsche traveling about Spokane in the style of a much older man. Me, a visitor from Arizona that admires your happy demeanor, sitting in the back like Queen Elizabeth in her chariot. You travel around Spokane chauffeur driven by a beautiful blonde woman, equally as cheerful and confident in her ways. There must already be somebody that loves you two, but I love you guys the most. Merry Christmas to my beautiful son Hendrix, without you, I am sure to have a very dismal future. To the beautiful blonde driving our son around town, thank you, thank you, thank you. You both make me so proud. Here is a big "Spokane" cheers to you both, daddy loves you guys.

sexy geek at albertsons I haven't been into the store in a few months now but i used to come in regularly and i'd always come through the self checkout and get frustrated with the checkout computers. I said i was cursed and you said you got a kick out of me cuz i always made you laugh. I'm probably too old for you, and your probably taken but if you happen to be single id love to play a game of chess over coffee and some deep conversation. You have long curly hair and coke bottle glasses and snort when you laugh. I've got a crush on you and once or twice was trying to work up the nerve to ask you out but it got busy and i'm bashful. I've even messed up checking out my merchandise on purpose a few times just so you would come "help". I really think your spiffy and the snorting laugh and coke bottle glasses is a huge turn on. I've got a thing for nerdy chicks sense i'm a bit of a geek myself. I've got the smartest kid alive ;) if your interested let me know.

Snow Angels A big thanks to Patti and friend whose brains and brawn helped my family's minivan get unstuck out of a ridiculous parking job on Mt. Spokane. Hope your time on the mountain was swell!

Zine Explorer Letter Finder A huge THANK YOU! to the person who found and re-mailed my letter, which I'd dropped somewhere between the downtown post office and bus station. It was a rare, long, thoughtful letter from a friend that was very important to me, and I was very bummed out to see I'd lost it. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. I'll be sure to pass on the good deed.

One-of-a-kind attorney To the attorney who found my phone and turned it in at the Courthouse, I am sincerely grateful. When I bought the phone, I told the salesperson repeatedly: "I do not need insurance. I don't lose my phone." If you know who I am, please contact me. I'd like to express my gratitude somehow. Security can back me up: I asked the universe to bless you, multiple times. So shines a good deed in a weary world. :-)

modern day Saber tooth tiger I can smile now, in hindsight, that you continue to bring out that fight or flight instinct within me. It took some time, sitting on the side of the road for me to realize that I chose to run away so as not to hear you tell me to f*** off again. I drove back to tell you I am sorry, but you were gone. Just as well...maybe next time we will both find the courage to smile at one another, raising that bar. After all, isn't that why we met in the first place? I love you, in truth.

Dear Batgirl Of all the Batmen in this town, I am not sure if I am the Batman you are referring to. I have an idea to see if we are on the same page. Arrange a TOTO concert at the Arena, with suggested warmup music, an All Star Band, with the Best of the Best Singers and Musicians from 70's-80's-90's local music scene. I wanted to sing the National Anthem at the Northern Quest concert. I did not have time to ride up the Sunset hill in rush hour traffic.

Road Maintenance Spokane: perhaps you should send delegates to a neighboring state like Montana and learn how to maintain your roadways under winter conditions. Invest in some de-icer...and use it BEFORE morning commuters hit the road. Plow the roads BEFORE 100 accidents happen. It's not rocket science. Figure it out.

Parking Lot Hog Jeers to the seller at Wandermere for threatening to tow our cars from the public parking area near your leased lot. Don't Bogart this lot, my friend.

Lazy and Ignorant Drivers. The number of last and stupid drivers in this town is starting to become unbearable. Just saw six cars drive by a school bus which had it's red lights flashing to drop of elementary students, are you kidding me!? Then you have the drivers that fail to use a turn signal — are you really that last you can't move your finger three inches? You don't look cool, you look like an idiot. People driving 70 in the 60 zone and going 60 in the 70 zone of the freeway/facepalm, not to mention constantly passing on the right which can cause a crash. Don't get me started on how unsafe it is for pedestrians who walk in this town! I hate to say it but a new law should be passed so you have to retake your driving test every 10 years so the city can help weed out people who forgot to drive or lost their common sense. I am not angry; just disappointed, I'd rather be driving in Portland the way people in this town drive.

Poor planning Boo! to whoever scheduled the Piano Guys' concert on the same day as the Lilac Parade. I know of at least five tickets that will go unsold.

not this time!! jeers to the landlords that claim false information to keep deposits.. shame on you.. guess what, your tactics didn't work, NO, not this time! thank goodness for pictures.

Speeders and tailgaters A BIG FAT Jeers to ALL the speeders and tailgaters out there. I don't care if you are purple with pink polka dots EVERYONE has to obey the speed limit and drive safely. A lot of "Tools", for lack of a better PG word, are tailgating me when I drive down Ash St. Hey Dill-weeds!, it's a freakin' school zone! Driving up my butt WILL NOT make me go faster. Also, on Division people are supposed to drive 35. It's Division St. in Spokane, WA NOT the Audubon Germany! If the police want to write some big, fat tickets Division and Queen has LOADS of Red light runners; especially the people turning left to go to the mall. BTW, fun little eco fact, if EVERYONE drives the speed limit no matter where they drive, no matter what they drive, it cuts down on emissions from the car and cuts down on fuel consumption. We can all save the planet just by driving like civilized beings. Thanks. ♦

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Broken Mic @ Neato Burrito

Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.
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