LOL: Y'all been campaigning, I mean hard, for this new jail. But you couldn't just wait to use this new park hours ordinance as a pretense to beat the tar out of a man who did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm not voting "yes" to raise my own taxes, when you employ deputies that cost us tens of millions of dollars for use of force lawsuits on a routine basis. Y'all are nuts.I WOULDN'T WAFFLE ABOUT YOU: I saw you on Friday the 22nd at the farmer's market on Monroe. You were purchasing a pumpkin waffle while I was looking at the mini succulents. You had the most amazing smile and showed such patience and compassion for those around you. Date sometime?
TO THE SPECIAL GIRL I MET AT LUNCH: You told me that you love reading this section of the Inlander so I decided to write, I can't wait to see this. I loved hanging out with you, wandering around downtown, walking the Centennial Trail and seeing you at awe of the beauty of the woods on our hike. I loved taking you to the top of the Empire State Building in downtown and holding your hand. Time flew by so fast with you I wished I got to spend more time with you today. I can't wait to get to know you more; you are an amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, and extremely smart woman. I can't wait to go on an adventure with you again. Hopefully it's rain free on our next adventure.
RE: TERESA,THIS ONE IS ABOUT YOU: Mr. B, I am right here waiting. Our energy transcends time and space. Haven't we waited long enough? You are my twin flame and soulmate.
KUDOS TO JUDGE FEARING: He deserves praise for addressing racism in the Spokane County Prosecutor's and Sheriff's offices. He showed further bravery in not cowing to the good ole boys' ignorant and unsurprising response by attacking him instead of taking a hard look in the mirror. In all fairness, Spokane's lead prosecutor, Larry Haskell, might not be the best judge of racism. His wife declared herself a white nationalist and used the n-word to denigrate a Black person. Yet, he insists she's not racist. Hmmm. Okay. Perhaps Judge Fearing had a point when he said they didn't understand racism.
LARRY STONE INTERVIEW: Cheers to the Inlander for the Larry Stone interview. It was more enlightening than any political ad or town-hall discussion, especially with Stone casually sharing the fact that the Trent shelter represents only 1.6% of the total square footage he owns. And yet he's pumped over $200,000 of his own money into this election, expecting a return on investment. If his skullduggery gets Mayor Nadine re-elected, none of the city's homeless or drug problems will go away. But at least he'll be guaranteed to continue profiting off of Spokane taxpayers.
LOCAL VOICES APPRECIATED: Here's to KYRS Thin Air Community Radio, at 88.1 and 92.3, broadcasting from Spokane's Central Library and celebrating 20 years with a pledge drive now. I love the local culture, conversations, and music programming you've given us. Your talented staff and volunteers bring new voices to my attention. Keep the beat alive, KYRS!
RE: TAILGATERS: I, too, find it hilarious to obey the law and follow the posted speed limit when someone is riding my butt. Slow down! You'll be all of 30 seconds later than you would've been otherwise.
RE: WHERE DO I SWIM? Amen. They should replace every surface parking lot with a swim pool. For the children.
HBD INLANDER! Happy Big Three Zero to the good folks at the Inlander! Keep the party going!
LOCAL CSA GEM: Thank you to Agape Farms for hosting such a flavorful and variety-filled CSA this season! I appreciate your hard work to incorporate fruit in the box and applaud your commitment to regular communication and high quality produce. Can't wait to partner with you next year!
HIDDEN NOTE IN PAJAMAS: This morning I bought a pajama set at Walmart and discovered a note with $10 in the front pocket. The note was from Patricia Jean Bishop's children stating 9/28 was their mother's birthday and she loved being cozy and was known to give her last dollar to help a stranger. The note requested I buy something fun in Patricia's honor. Just wanted to let her children know I will honor the request.
GREED IS NOT GOOD: I was impressed with Spokane County Treasurer Michael Baumgartner's column in the Inlander about the PAC-12 and the need for politicians to regulate and stop the greed in college football. We need more Republican elected officials like him to take that attitude, not only with college football but also with oil companies, financial institutions and many other large corporations who do business in the United States. They need to sound less like Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street (greed is good) and point out more frequently that greed is not good. Greed is obviously fueling college football as Baumgartner points out. However, it is also a key factor as to why gas, food, retail and housing related prices are higher today.
THANKS FOR ENTERTAINING ME: Cheers to everyone who submits messages to this section, especially to the Jeers section. I find such joy in reading the often trivial ramblings of my fellow community members. It is honestly hilarious. Every week, I read through this section (in its entirety) while I sip my tea. I not only giggle, I laugh out loud, which I'd like to think adds years to my life. Lighten up, Spokane! Or don't and continue providing me with my weekly dose of pure entertainment. And thank you so much to the staff at the Inlander. Keep it coming!
SPOKANE MUSIC SCENE: I'm going to throw this in the Cheers section because I'm an eternal optimist. With Lucky You Lounge closing, the community is looking to the other smaller venues to pick up and seek out bands we might otherwise miss out on. There's a big hole in our musical hearts now that LY (and Bartlett) have closed their doors. Cheers to the many years of memorable and intimate concerts Spokane had the pleasure of hosting, BIG thanks to those two venues and cheers to the many more years to come as the community rallies around this void!
KOOTENAI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Remember when you said you'd expand the courthouse to get people out of the jail quicker? We don't have enough courthouses to process people? You caved to the "support law enforcement blindly" for reelection while turning your back on real issues. You are cowards. Building a bigger jail only leads us to being more like Spokane, but you don't want to admit that. Listen, for juvenile offenders who are stealing guns, committing property crimes, etc. (in Kootenai) you just look forward to them filling your adult jail in 5-10 years. Trust me, I'll have the data to prove it in that time. KC isn't about helping — the sheriff gets hard because he pretends to lock-up bad guys, yet 65% of them are small probation violations! Look it up, folks: nonviolent offenders = a bigger jail!
NICE TRY: Jeers to the developer who made the eight-minute-long video (advertised across the whole back page of the Inlander last week). Apparently your solution to homelessness is to change the zoning laws in my cozy single-family home neighborhood, so you can get rich "Curing Spokane."
RE: "I SLOW FOR TAILGATERS" "I know your hybrid makes you think you are better than the rest of us. Especially better than the ""big black GMC 4x4"" that was tailgating you on Washington. Everyone has something going on that you dont know about. Maybe this person was in a hurry for a reason. Ever consider that? Threatening to ""hit the emergency flashers, feign a stall, and come to a complete stop"" is ridiculous and immature. You would cause an accident just to teach a total stranger a lesson in driving? Do you not see the irony in your statement?! Grow up, move over, and get over yourself. You're the problem on the road, and your hybrid doesn't fix that. "
RE: JEERS TO HUMANITY: Climate change is a concern buddy, but we need better solutions other than "Republicans Bad." Maybe we should come down on the MegaCorps since they're the big polluters. Especially when they operate in foreign countries like China.
RE: RE: DEAR STUPID: To the person who wrote "Not everybody is familiar with all the roads around here and what they mean. Be a little more easy on your judgements," you totally made the point of the original author who complained about cars illegally driving on the Centennial Trail on Upriver Drive. If YOU don't understand that cars passing other cars by driving in bike lanes and on running/walking trails is illegal, you should really not be driving in Spokane! Duh! Duh! Dumb! Where is traffic enforcement?!?!
RE: DEAR STUPID: If you're more concerned with how people perceive Spokane than the safety of people walking on the sidewalk, there's something wrong with you. ♦