LIBRARY PROTESTERS: Why on earth would you protest Idaho HOUSE BILL 710? Did you read it? It makes it so sexual content is not made available to minors in public libraries and schools. One should question your motivations for protesting such a bill. What part of you decided that minors need access to sexual materials through public libraries and schools. Walter said it best. "8-year-olds dude. 8-year-olds."

SULLIVAN DOLLAR TREE: "So what do you think you could bake w/ this?" Is what I asked you & you couldn't believe the hole in this baking pan. You were so nice to try'n help me find somethin better. Anyways, IF this sounds familiar & you'd like to I'd like to see you again. My name is Chris

MCBB: We saw You, Master Class Big Band, uniting "all" of us there to celebrate Independence. Riverfront Park, the forever treasure of EXPO '74. Celebrating how far we've come since then, and sharing in each person's version of freedom. You, MCBB, got us on our feet dancing...9-year-olds, and 90-year-olds. We danced standing, sitting on lawns, in rows, wherever we found ourselves. We came, not knowing what to expect. Many of us "found" you when we followed the captivating strains of the goodness that gathered us as one at The Pavilion. A deep heartfelt THANK YOU for a wonder-filled concert of tunes that took us back and those that keep us moving forward. Master Class Big Band filled us with reminders to be grateful for the freedoms to do just what we did there. Freely express ourselves. We were all colors, creeds, ages, genders, flavors, and fancies. You lifted us up with encouraging demonstrations of the power of music to unite, community that is inclusive, and sheer joy in the magnificence available to us all. Thank you for the magic.

BETTY SHAW: I saw you stand tall through the struggles, and your amazing ability to manage three girls alone without losing your ambition is outstanding. You deserve to feel like the most successful mother and friend in the world because of the consistency and magnitude of the unconditional love you have taught me to have and that I have taught my daughter to have as well. You are a wonderful woman and deserve to be treated like a queen. Thank you for following your mother's legacy and donating so much time to helping senior companions. I want to one day do the same kind of volunteer work. You deserve to be celebrated. I am so thankful for you. Love, Your baby girl Teresa.


FMUOASL: Couldn't help but notice the double Alison Wonderland mention in the past couple of issues. Shout out SW for your impeccable music taste! See ya on the farm at Shambhala :)

HOLY HIGH HAT! Junkyard Eats and Drinks, on Trent, Spokane Valley. YOU were the venue for THE best no-cover show we've ever seen!! You served us all, so efficiently, on that amazing, rainy Sunday evening, June 30. Rain or Shine, indeed!! Your servers, cooks, and all staff, were so prompt, friendly, kind, fun-not-phony, and aware of the stellar vibe unfolding in that mesmerizing mix of musical, "madness!" We could "feel it in the air" on every level. Fabulous dive joint!! The BEST Roadhouse we've discovered. Is this the area's best-kept secret?? Voo-Doo Church, we will miss you.

KUDOS FOR SAVING MY CELLPHONE: Last Saturday I was enjoying a mocha while sitting on a bench outside the United Building in Hillyard. I set my phone down on the bench and then took off not realizing I had left it until 30 minutes later. When I went back there, someone had turned it in. I'm so grateful to that person. I sure didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a new phone! Thanks for being so thoughtful.

RE: ARTWORK: I have to agree with the comment last week about college art. It is pretty good. Spokane has some of the best artists in the whole wide world.

FOUND WALLET: I found a Black women's wallet on July 6 late morning in a cart in the parking lot at Albertson's on Nevada and Lyons. I gave it to customer service. She put it in a locked drawer. I'm hoping you retraced your day and went back to Albertson's and got it back. Good luck.


NOT HAPPY WITH YOUR CHOICES: It's about time for a female Commander-in-Chief who has actually been in a war zone. Tulsi Gabbard.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT ON THIS FOURTH OF JULY WEEK: As an average American citizen, there are times I am skeptical if my engagement in elections, or other civic affairs, really makes a difference. I know many have the same doubts. But then I was reminded after last Thursday's presidential debate, what DOES happen when "We the People" are not engaged. Just sayin'

GOV. LANDRY: You're right Moses is the lawgiver. However, the Ten Commandments come from God. Please immediately post the 613 laws of Moses in every school in Louisiana and ban pork in every school cafeteria.

DAVE, KEN AND MOLLY SHOW: Shame on Morgan Murphy Media for the hasty cancellation of the award-winning and much loved Dave, Ken and Molly show. They didn't even give the trio a chance to bid farewell to us listeners. Shameful. I'm tuning out KZZU.

SCREAMER AT THE PARANORMAL CIRQUE SHOW: To the "lady" sitting behind us at the Paranormal Cirque show at the Valley Mall: thanks for almost ruining this great show for me and many people in our section. You began loudly screaming at the beginning of the show and didn't stop throughout. Not only could we not hear what the performers were saying, but your screaming sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard. Many people turned to look at you and many suggested you stop, but you didn't care, how selfish! You are young, but I hope as time goes on you learn you are not the only person in the room and also learn some manners, at this moment, you're a disgrace. People like you give all Gen z'ers a bad name. You should be embarrassed!

RE: SPOKANE (TRAFFIC CALMING) "I agree that you have a great point, our city's traffic calming measures have been a half measure! We need true infrastructure changes with modern road design that prioritizes pedestrian safety over driving speed. This means narrower roads, fewer lanes, speed reducers. It's proven to work, but cops out ticketing don't reduce traffic deaths. How do I know? Reading the research on it. Here's your citation if you want to read too: Sarode et al. 2002 doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003163"

JUST IN TIME FOR THE 4TH: The Supreme Court has a strong twist of irony. Just before Independence Day, where we celebrate the republic's founding where "All Men Are Created Equal" and "Liberty and Justice for All," they decided to make the president above the law (as long as they decide what they're doing is an "official act"). King George III must be laughing from his grave.

SWAN SONG: It's so ironic that the Inlander used a photo of a bird on its 4th of July issue! After the War on Nature over three nights here there are few birds left in town. No lovely bird songs at 4 am anymore. This happens every year now. Does anyone else notice or care? When the Chinese declared the sparrow a pest for eating their grain, they used fireworks to scare them all away. It worked. Then they found themselves plagued with insects instead. If you notice a lot more flies, wasps, and mosquitoes at the rest of your summer picnics, now you know why.

BUS STATIONS: This is my first major Jeers for Spokane Transit. The bus shelters at all your transit centers and park-and-rides are not weatherproof or even weather-resistant, and none of them have public bathrooms. We have a heat wave right now and we suffer freezing temperatures in winter. This is unacceptable. We need more seating and an actual building we can use to stay warm or cool in the relevant months. Either that or let us stay in the buses while they're parked. With all the money we're paying, all of that should have been available years ago.

F YOU AND YOUR TAX INCREASES: City and county officials, how about instead of trying to raise taxes constantly you start cutting the fat in your budgets. What are you doing with the money you're currently collecting? Clearly not spending it on fixing roads, traffic safety or just enforcing the laws that exist. Voters of Spokane send these politicians and bureaucrats a message and vote no until there is some accountability for where all the money they're already extracting from us is going. Probably to fund there pet projects and cushy gigs for their friends. Enough is enough. ♦

Art Bites @ Downtown Spokane

Sun., Sept. 8, 2 p.m. and Sun., Oct. 13, 2 p.m.
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