7-ELEVEN 14TH & GRAND: (7-17) You had multi colored hair and with your friend. You asked me how the weather was up there. Classic. You were very kind and sounded like a lot of fun! Talk sometime? [email protected]

RIVER SERENADER: To the gentleman serenading river floaters and kayakers on the shore of the little spokane on Saturday July 13th. You sir are extremely talented, you should be famous, somebody find this guy and make him famous!! Your beautiful voice and lovely guitar playing was a wonderful surprise on our kayaking trip. I just wish we could have stopped and listened to you more! Hope to see you there again soon!


PRETTY PAINTER: We met briefly on a construction site. You seemed interested in holding a conversation whenever we bumped into each other; for better or worse I was more focused on cleaning bricks than flirting. Wish I would have had enough sense to ask for your #. I hope you see this.


A GIFT OF LUCKY NUMBERS: Cheers to the generous gentleman at the new Maverick on Freya & Francis on Monday 7/15 at about 5 pm. You gifted my son a winning scratch ticket right in time for his 7th birthday. Thank you, sir, for your generosity! He is over the moon, and our whole family's hearts are touched by your gesture.

LIFE ALTERING BROWNIE AT CHAPS I'm from out of town, and today my friend who lives here and I had brunch at Chaps. Last minute, I added an Oreo brownie to the order. We were full from our delightful meals, when we remembered the brownie on the table. We decided to try it, before boxing it up. We both took a bite, and immediately locked eyes in unified awe. This brownie is THE MOST PERFECT BROWNIE IN OUR COMBINED EXISTENCES! It is simultaneously gooey, silky, perfectly moist, flavorful and decadent, while not being too rich. As silly as it may sound, this brownie changed our lives. THANK YOU, Chaps for creating this brownie - that literally almost brought us to tears with its perfection!!!

THANK YOU: Cheers to all the teachers at the Central Valley School District! YOU GUYS ROCK!!! Teaching our kids and making them grow into the great people you make them become! I appreciate all you do, especially when they graduate and make it out into the real world! THANK YOU!

GOOD ARREST: When I see police arrest someone in a way that doesn't seem over-the-top, it helps heal a wound of resentment that festers in my heart. Every good interaction with police that I have makes a big difference. There are a lot of negative stories about police because that's what gets media attention. I'm glad the guy realized the game was up and listened to commands and no guns were drawn. It's easy to be influenced by fear of what could happen, but the two police seemed confident, capable, and level-headed.

I LOVE THEM ALL: I love my dog/cat friends no matter what color they are. Think about it.


BIKE TRAIL NO PARKING BOULDER BEACH: Jeers to all those who park on the bike trail off the Centennial Trail. You know those signs that indicated "no parking - bike trail"? Well, that means no parking of your car because it's a bike trail...dummy. Last weekend some of you were so stupid that you actually weren't just occupying the bike trail but were also parked on Upriver Drive; the street itself. With cars driving both ways, why don't these cars get ticketed or towed or both? The bike trail is for bikes. The street is for driving. Neither place is suitable for your junky car. Spokane: near nature, near people who can't read.

CONSPIRACY? OMG! Both Trump and Vance are married to immigrants. Is their plan to round up immigrants and deport them their form of divorce? Hmmmm.

RE: CAR BREAK-INS AT LOCAL FITNESS CENTER: While I sympathize with your ordeal, I also know that Spokane is a really cruddy place to live with known thievery as well as hit and runs going on frequently. All you have to do is look around the city to see that law abiding isn't taken seriously. People don't signal. They speed. They drive around without valid license tabs (or any license at all). Yet, I never see people being pulled over by law enforcement (probably due in large part to shortages in employees). HOWEVER, you indicate that you had to have hours on the phone with the credit card company, insurance, drivers licensing, and Chase Bank. Why would anyone leave those items in their car in a city that is known for its high theft? Spokane: near nature. Near high criminality.

RE: SCHOOL REPAIR BUDGETS: You ask people to "look into the West Valley school district repair budget" and ask why they would spend more than half the repair budget on an admin building that doesn't affect the education of the kids. How would you know? People in those buildings do a lot to support exactly that. As one of many examples, who do you think cuts and signs the checks? Do you think the teachers cut and sign their own checks early in the morning before they start classes or late in the day between the stack of papers they're grading? There are plenty of more examples, but I don't think people like you are capable of understanding much anyhow.

RE: RE: LIBRARY PROTESTERS: Go to a Christian bookstore. Pick up a picture Bible, or a Bible storybook written for children, and thumb through it. If you do find any sexual content (and that's a big if) it will be heavily glossed over. The Bible has sexy stories in it. This does not mean Christian parents read the story of Tamar or David and Bathsheba to their children. They carefully cultivate which stories to expose their children to at which age, and when those kids are old enough for the salacious material, they emphasize the moral lesson imparted by the story and gloss over the sex. I'm a proud exvangelical but I am so goddamn sick of seeing one smug non-Christian after another pretend that "Well, the Bible has sex in it" is an automatic win against parents objecting to sexually explicit material for children. It is not. It is proof of your ignorance.

RE: LEASH YOUR DOG: I agree with the Jeers submission last week imploring people to keep their dogs on leashes (following Spokane leash laws). However, these are the same "peopl" (term used loosely) who allow their dogs to defecate in public places and then leave it for someone else to walk through (ex. along the Centennial or bike trails). Those who don't have the ability to obey the dog leash laws or the ability to clean up their dog's excrement aren't able to do so because they're the exact (walking) excrement their dog leaves behind.

RE: LIBRARY PROTESTERS... ...the Bible would be such a benefit in place of the sexualialized content that they are trying to keep out of the eyes of children.

RE: STUPID DO-GOODERS: You know what? I'm going to help them even harder. I love my community so someone sleeping outside is more of an affront to me than some cardboard litter. Stay mad though.

TOP THIS!!! Entrance to the Corbin House. A red pickup, Idaho license plate last registered 2007. A boat, Washington license last registered 2006. A white van with no license plate at all. The trailer hauling the boat no license plate at all. These vehicles parked by the entrances to the Marycliff Center and Corbin House for months on end.

HEY NADINE: "YOU are demanding $1.4 million from the taxpayers of Spokane?For what? Why should we pay YOU?This is all YOUR fault! YOU prayed with Shea. YOU realized it was a mistake.YOU disavowed Shea the very next day.And now you want $1.4 million because the city council denounced YOU by legal resolution for what YOU did. And now, because YOU lost the election due to YOUR behaviour, YOU are trying to fleece $1.4 million from the taxpayers of a city YOU purport to love. Have YOU no sense of Decency? Shame on YOU!"

STOP BUILDING SO MUCH CRAP! Jeers to more new housing! Affordable or otherwise, why settle for life in a crackerbox future slum when so many perfectly useable buildings already exist and are allowed to sit empty? No one cares about your stupid real estate portfolio, there's a housing crisis NOW, and that crisis was engineered by rich pricks who forgot the monopoly man was a villain. It's time to stop lining developers' pockets and start preserving & expanding green and wild spaces. Fewer new buildings means more parks, more trees, less concrete, less urban overheating. Repurpose what's already here before it's too late! Want to rehabilitate downtown? Remember that mixed-use and affordable housing don't have to be mutually exclusive: don't price the workforce out of their own community. Instead of pushing for more new construction, why aren't candidates pushing for best-use taxes to eliminate empty buildings and urban sprawl? Or tax credits for using existing spaces in ways small business and individuals in want or need of housing can afford? There's a better way to do things, and "more more more" is NOT it. ♦

Pottery Night: Wheel Throwing @ Urban Art Co-op

Sat., Sept. 7, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
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