DENVER AIRPORT - SPOKANE - MOSCOW: I met you changing flights in Denver. I told you about Africa. I'd like to show you my pictures.

I SEE YOU NOW: I just wanted you to know that I see you now. I truly see you now. I'm sorry my mental illness caused this rift between us. I wish I could take back the last few years, but I can't. I wish I could take away the pain I caused you, but I can't. I wasn't aware of the pain I was causing you, but I'm painfully aware of it now. I hope one day you can forgive me. I hope one day you can separate me from my mental illness. I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance. I stuck with you during your darkest days, ignoring what other people said. I walked you back from darkness countless times. I only wish you would now walk with me during mine. I love you more than you'll ever know.

TRAGIC LOSS ON NORTH DIVISION: When Will Traffic Laws Be Enforced Again? I've watched over the last five years as traffic law enforcement has dwindled throughout the county, city, and valley. Now, it seems like I'm constantly reading headlines like the one in this post: "Man and dog die after being struck by pickup on North Division Street Friday night." How many more people have to be killed, how many more cars destroyed, and how high do insurance premiums have to climb before the Spokane County Sheriff's Office, Spokane Valley Police, and Spokane City Police will resume enforcing traffic laws? I'm pleading with you — please take action before more people are killed.

LUVNMD: I miss you. I miss your soft giggles when I arrive and melt into you. I miss your sensual kisses. I miss how you always pull your chair close to mine. I miss you MD. I hope you find your way back to me because I only want to do this with you, only if you want this too. I am waiting for you...

BETTY SHAW: I saw you stand tall through the struggles, and your amazing ability to manage three girls alone without losing your ambition is outstanding. You deserve to feel like the most successful mother and friend in the world because of the consistency and magnitude of the unconditional love you have taught me to have and that I have taught my daughter to have as well. You are a wonderful woman and deserve to be treated like a queen. Thank you for following your mother's legacy and donating so much time to helping senior companions. I want to one day do the same kind of volunteer work. You deserve to be celebrated. I am so thankful for you. Love, Your baby girl Teresa


SPOKANE ZEPHYR AND VELOCITY MASCOTS: The mascots should be named after and represent something strong and powerful because soccer is a physically demanding, highly skilled game. How about The Zephyr Suns and the Velocity Pacers. I suggest we stay away from using the garbage goat as a mascot for either team. I don't think either soccer team has any relationship to garbage or the personality of a goat.

TO THE FRENCH PEOPLE: You did a fine job of hosting the Olympics. Well done. The network didn't do a great job, and you couldn't tell when something was live, recorded, or happened at a previous Olympics, but Big Cheers to NBC for using Snoop Dogg. Still hard to believe he did such a good job.


WHY BRO, WHY... To the drivers with the big aggressive trucks, loud bikes at night and those crap cars w/ the "bap, bap, bap" mufflers: Only YOU think it's cool to drive like that and disrupt everyone else's lives. Your tiny-d is showing... Just saying, "Bro"...

FIREWOOD: I have lived in Spokane for 21 years, and moved from Colville where they have firewood cutters that know what 16 inches is, what a cord of wood is, 48x48x8 feet, and they know what kind of wood they sell. Out of 21 years, I have yet to find a wood cutter that comes close to being honest here in Spokane. What used to be considered honest and upright is now considered wrong. What used to be considered lies, cheating, and dishonesty is now right. As the saying goes, one bad apple spoils the whole barrel, but here in Spokane the whole barrel is spoiled.

OFF LEASH DOG WALKERS: To the women who walk their two dogs off leash in the Audubon-Downriver neighborhood. This isn't about you, your dog, or your dogs' recall. This is about every other person and animal trying to enjoy the neighborhood. Adults and children with a fear of dogs, rescue dogs on leash trying their best to learn and heal. If you want to run your dogs, take them to a designated off leash park. Stop treating every public street, park, and front yard as your personal space. Not to mention the leash laws and posted signs. P.S. I saw your dog chase after a bunch of ravens in Webster Park - your dog doesn't have perfect recall.

DOWNFALL OF SPOKANE: Anyone getting off at the Division Street exit and traveling north is exposed to the real Spokane anymore. It is an embarrassment of what Spokane has become. So much time and money to house those who are homeless, which obviously hasn't worked, but the same response is tried over and over again. We are told not to water our lawns because of river levels, but all it takes is to go to Post Falls Dam to see what controls the river level. Our council members brag about creating gun ordinances for Spokane that have been Washington state laws for years. Now we are asked to vote on a levy for first responders which has a clause that it can be used for other purposes. We have lost near nature, near perfect.

RE: RE: RICH: HA HA. You must be a dude. I'd say you should try being stalked sometime, but I bet people stay far away from you.

LOCAL TRIVIA: Chris, the host, is a madman. An absolute madlad. In what conceivable reality could someone hope to understand any of your round 4 questions? Some of us already feel belittled in our online dating life and our soul sucking corporate job. We come to you for escapism. We come to you for joy. Now I'm fiending like dracula in a blood bank waiting for my opportunity to dethrone you. You sadistic lunatic. I consider myself well versed and traveled in trivia, but you have stolen the last vestige of solace I had in my intellect. I will not rest until I wipe that smug smile off your face. I have never experienced a more challenging and absolutely bat$@#% crazy roster of questions in my many years. Thank god the drinks are top quality and the people there all seem to hate you as much as I do. Consider this your warning. I will win. Even if it kills me, I will beat you. There's nothing you can do about it. I'll see you Monday at 7.

MARY'S HOUSE DEMOLISHED FOR PARKING: This historic house sat and watched over us while receiving care at the hospital. The beauty of the trees and the windows kept our minds occupied. A hidden jewel! Now, it is flattened, with about 50 parking spots, and only one scraggly tree. What a shame. A silver tear is shed for Mary's house.

YOU CAN DO BETTER, SNAP: $26,666 for a heat pump, because it's new technology? That newfangled appliance originally invented in 1858 and commonplace by the 1970s, you mean? These must be the "new" special government program kind. A full system with duct work modifications and possible electrical upgrades might be near this price, but don't say it's because it's new technology. That's absurd. This quote must be making a few contractors smile.

BUY AMERICAN: I noticed at my grandparent's house everything was made in USA. Tools, fixtures, appliances, hardware, furniture, etc. Everything. And it all still works. Why did manufacturing go away? Greed. Corporations hate the American workforce, government regulations and taxes. I buy American-made and secondhand goods whenever possible. Give greed the finger.

TRAFFIC: I don't want a car. That's why I use the bus. The bus station is in the center of the city so people from all over the city can use the bus to GET all over the city. The same is true with airports but on a much bigger scale, and with roads on a scale that SHOULDN'T be as big as it is. Y'all complain about construction and traffic, but we wouldn't have either if cars didn't exist. Multiple downtown streets are one-way and THREE LANES WIDE. Quit complaining about something you contribute to. You want a faster commute? Tell the city leaders we need better public transit. Invest in bike lanes instead of more PARKING. And lastly, get out of your car, and get in a bus! ♦

Mark as Favorite

Woman, Artist, Catalyst: Art from the Permanent Collection @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through March 9
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