RE: I SEE YOU NOW: First of all, this message is too vague for any specific person to know it's about them. You need more personal clues. This scenario fits far to many folks to figure out who this is about. Second, saying, "I stuck with you during darkest days, ignoring what other people said" is passive aggressive guilt tripping this for that thing not conducive to any relationship. Thankfully I logically reasoned that if this was my person, they aren't blocked by me and I have open arms. But it certainly hit all the right notes and was music to my heart and was in many ways what I wanted to hear. Besides, he would know I promised I'd always be there if he ever really needed me. I'd cross oceans, climb mountains. What the archangel asked I'd do in a hot minute.

EXASPERATED.. ...waiting in a much-too-long line at the Big Box, complaining of crowded conditions. You pay to shop there, doing business with a Corp. based in one of the 11 Sanctuary States, whose prices continue to climb for all things from groceries to gas, to housing, education, travel, and all else. You were concerned. Quite. You should be. Start the re-"learning." It's scary. Plan accordingly. I believe you: "Know thyself." There is hope for you. Decide while you can. There is coming a time, that may not be an option. Stay smart. Been to Eagle Pass, lately?


SUPERSTORE ANGEL WITH THE PINK HAIR: I was behind an older gentleman in the checkout line at Walmart who was either hard-of-hearing and/or had trouble comprehending English. The employee working our lane kindly repeated the same questions several times, and even used hand gestures to help him understand. She patiently helped him count out his money as he struggled to produce the correct amount. I was so touched by her simple act of kindness. The world needs more people like you!


CHOOSE: You, screaming at me, that your "right" to abortion has been taken from you. R.V.W was non-constitutional; you might wanna re-visit RBG's comments on that...from "then." Fellow lady, here with a reminder. It IS your choice. Pregnancy is 100% preventable! It is! If you don't want a pregnancy, don't...get...pregnant. The science is real, and works in a majority of sperm-meets-egg encounters. Nature planned it that way. Make the simple choice you can vs. the heartache and headache of: "Now what!?" Do you really make most of your life decisions with that kind of non-planning? Guessing you don't. Plan your choices by making decisions that precipitate the outcomes you need. Life vest on open water. Parachute before jumping. Seat belts before driving. No forks in the outlets. Ya know, learn from the facts of the "science." We're smarter than "Now What?!?!" ladies. Why choose to not be in control of the easiest choice you can make?...and please, stop screaming at me; I can't hear you when you're that loud.

NOT EVERYONE SPEAKS ENGLISH: Jeers to the lady that had negative feelings towards my salon co-workers for not speaking English. For five minutes, you claimed to be in such a disarray during your luxurious spa day because you couldn't understand what we were talking about. Trust me when I tell you this, you would be more interested reading a book than learning about our discussions on grocery markets, petty politics, and medications for sore backs. Just because we cannot respond back in English well or at all doesn't mean that we don't like you or anything; it just means we simply are just trying to do our job with proficiency without bumping into unnecessary and awkward dialogue. An English conversation isn't something you should be worried for, it should be learning to respect human conversations and learning to do away with your disgusting racism. And like some conversations, you shouldn't always stick your head in where it doesn't belong. Until you ditch your vile racist mindset, we don't want you back either.

TRYING TO KILL PEDESTRIANS AWH? Casino Goers, Just so you know, those flashing yellow lights on the side of Hayford Rd just north of the Cedar Summit apartments mean that someone is trying to cross the road. I stopped behind a white van and watched as a big truck nearly hit a man in a wheelchair, and after he went through, a grey Mercedes almost hit him. These people are the ones killing pedestrians, the ones who don't think while they drive. PAY ATTENTION, or you will pay the price!

THE TRIO OF KIA BOYZ: Today is Wednesday the 21st of August. It's my 20th wedding anniversary. Exactly one year ago today, I had an 11:30 appointment at a dealership to get the software upgrade done on my 2021 white Sportage, which you three turds had tried to steal a few weeks before. But that morning — again, it was our anniversary — my wife woke me up at 5:25 am, asking where my car was. It was gone. I filed the report and canceled my appointment. SPD called me late that night to inform me they had found what you stole for your idiotic, stupid, dangerous, drug-fueled joyride. It was still running, with doors wide open, in front of a house facing Underhill Park. I won't give more details, except for public safety and awareness: You spread the mayonnaise from your chicken sandwiches all over my dashboard and seats and windows (one of which was smashed so you could get inside the car to steal it), you left a jar 1/3 full of strong sativa buds, the car was totaled because you ran the red lights near Fred Meyer and an innocent mother and her 3-year-old slammed into you then ended up in the hospital. Long story short: You all escaped the scene and the car after you ditched it, BUT you left your DNA and fingerprints everywhere! What a trio of morons! Hopefully you all were eventually caught for a subsequent felony. IF you haven't all been caught yet — don't worry, smelly little middle school thieves — it's coming, and you won't like going to big people jail.

RE:RE:RE:RICH: I'm a woman with autism actually. I wrote the response to you about how "on the spectrum" doesn't actually mean anything. I've studied psychology in college. I was professionally diagnosed, not self-diagnosed. I've been stalked before. Yes people stay away from me, but I also stay away from them. You're a troll. You have no education in autism or what "spectrum" scaling is. There's a narcissistic spectrum, an empathy spectrum, a personality disorder spectrum and an autism spectrum, etc. You just look like an idiot. People like you take away resources and support from people like me who actually are women with autism. Quit crying, quit going against women who offer constructive advice to you, and do something about your life. Peace.

RE: TRAFFIC: To whomever wrote about everyone taking the bus & riding bikes, you obviously don't have elderly relatives who need to go grocery shopping. You obviously haven't lived here very long. Have you ever been surrounded by pervs? seen someone pee? sat next to smelly meth zombies? no? Well it's not an STA ride until you do. We complain about traffic & construction because the DOT is on crack working on all the roads @ once & telling us to "take a different route." The DOT has made so many roundabouts I've lost count. News flash: we are Washington state not Europe. The DOT took Monroe street from 3 lanes each way to two lanes North & one South. Homeland Security called & said it was a bad idea & they did it anyway. Have tried riding a bike in the winter? No? Well, it's not a party until you do. Normally winter here can go from October to March. Good luck with your hippie dream.

RE: CONCERT TALKERS: Look up ANY Live show from the 60s, 70s, or 80s and observe the audience. They are enjoying, respecting, and paying attention to the artists on stage. Oh sure, there were always some too-drunk persons there, but this is something else today. Be it from parenting, society, illness, or generational DNA changes, this is a pandemic of rudeness. Has polite comportment become an anachronism? Understandably it is not any more conscious or controllable than addicts who cannot stop putting garbage in (or out) of their bodies. Or young children that continue to scream and pitch fits in public, beyond behavioral control, serious investigation and intervention is indicated. One of the reasons we no longer enjoy public events: being a captive audience for others' inane prattle during the show. One other is the occurrence of deadly mass violence. That also wasn't a factor in the past.

RE: FREE PALESTINE: Palestine, you, and only you, have the power to free yourselves. Don't blame Zion. Blame Hamas. Look, first, to Iran. As long as your children are taught to hate, you will not be free. It is your choice. Only yours.♦

Sally Machlis & Delphine Keim @ Boswell Corner Gallery at NIC

Fridays, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and Mondays-Thursdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Continues through Nov. 1
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