TAN 4 RUNNER AT TRADER JOE'S: Around 5:30 on Tuesday I was the redhead in front of you in the express lane grabbing croissants. I was feeling shy, but I wish I had said hi. Then when I went out to my car, your 4runner was parked in front of me. If you are single and interested, I hope you respond to this and we can connect. -Shy Red

SPOKANE: Just a message from Minneapolis. Missing you Spokane.

NORTH FOOTHILLS YOKE'S: You: small petite brunette with perfect smile. I was @ Redbox viewing few DVD releases. I wanted to speak but that beautiful face left me speechless. You ever get bored always free breakfast @ Frankie Doodle's every Sunday. I will be guy eating cinnamon roll.

DRUM SOLO IN THE SATURN: Dude, my friend and I watched as you slayed that set of air drums in your gold Saturn while waiting for the light to change. I especially enjoyed when you made sure to hit that skin all the way over on the right side passenger dash. Bravo! It's great to see someone so passionate about something other than politics. I've been giggling for three days straight, thanks & rock on dude!


ROAD AND NSC CONSTRUCTION WORKERS: Cheers! to the hardworking crews out there improving Spokane with better roads and (eventually!) the new North-South Corridor. Although city planners created avoidable delays and traffic bottlenecks in the process, that is not your fault. I salute you warriors of asphalt, concrete and steel, and thank you for the long hours you spend exposed to the elements and the ire of inconsiderate and stupid drivers, in order to smooth our travels and save our suspensions. And how about the beauty etched into the concrete pillars and bridge supports on the elevated roadway by SCC! The temporary inconvenience of detours and delays will quickly be forgotten as we happy motorists traverse wonderfully smooth and brightly striped streets, and one day sail quickly over the Spokane River on the way from the Valley to Colville. Keep up the good work and be safe out there! I'll do my part and slow down in your presence.

AIRPORT HELP: JOSH, you are awesome! I am one of the dozen passengers that you assist during one of your shifts at our wonderful airport. You were waiting at the door of the plane and took me exactly where I wanted to go. Yeah, I know it's your job but YOU were kind and funny, thoughtful and efficient. You asked if I needed to make any stops. Which is very meaningful and thoughtful to someone relying on another for transportation assistance. You were a wonderful reminder of how much and why I love Spokane. Thank you.

BEING WATCHED? We are being watched, that's why we only see one side of the moon. The giants in the Bible were known as the Nephilim or "fallen angels." They were said to be on the earth before and after the flood. They were the offspring of the "sons of god" and "daughters of men" mentioned in the Bible. NASA knows the moon is hollow and occupied, so they couldn't send back real pictures. The moon is an artificial spaceship while the earth is a timeship. Moving from 3D to 4D to 5D requires a shift in our perception. Time is known as the fourth dimension according to Albert Einstein's "Special Theory of Relativity." Nikola Tesla said the aether or fifth element was the opposite of gravity. Our Space-Time Continuum is evolving. Our fifth dimension is believed to be our mind's eye, or imagination (thoughts create).

HALLOWEEN IDEA FOR CORBIN COMMUNITY: I can't sleep and had a wild idea, maybe it is too late to implement. What if instead of the crowds going door to door, there was an organized trick or treat at the park, that way the neighborhood would have less to clean up and less traffic? A trunk or treat or booth type of set up. Thanks neighbors


IDEOLOGUES: Congratulations to those who pushed the "defund the police" and "reimagine policing" rhetoric in the name of equality, equity, or whatever term you choose next. Thanks to your identity politics, police have stopped enforcing laws, including traffic regulations. As a result, over the last five years in Washington state, traffic fatalities have increased by 39%, and insurance premiums have risen by 50%. Now, there's blood on your hands and less money in the pockets of Washingtonians. To the rest of you who vote, consider not supporting progressive candidates who push identity politics next time.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD BILLBOARDS: Planned Parenthood: "Making Abortion Accessible Again?" Seriously? At least you're actually naming the vile procedure you provide, instead of hiding behind the fig leaf of "reproductive health." But when did it become inaccessible? Your mockery of the conservative presidential candidate's slogan is clear, but it's also deceptive. It's been repeatedly enshrined in Washington state law and guaranteed as a "fundamental right." It is legal, open to women of any age, and consent from any other person (including parents, partner or spouse) is not required. As abhorrent as those provisions are, that's what the Supreme Court enabled when it returned the issue to individual states two years ago. And nationally, the result has been a noted increase in the number and rate of abortions performed each year. So who are you tacitly lying to and trying to scare with your billboard's implications?

TO: WOMAN WHO DUMPED CHLOE: You drove 30 MILES, dumped a sweet, loving, scared-to-be-outside tortoise shell cat at my home. You once loved her: she was chipped, named CHLOE. Your phone is disconnected. Yes, life happens, but there ARE options to rehome. Did ALL your friends, family, and neighbors say "no"? Did you contact the six rescues in Spokane and Kootenai County? Did you post a note at your vet's? Did you seek pages on Facebook and post requests? When you adopt YOURS is the responsibility for their ENTIRE life. Dumping a pet is not only a crime in Washington, it's immoral, despicable! She loved you, she TRUSTED you and you abandoned her! Take my advice: Never own a pet again.

RE: 4 PM SEPT. 19: I gotta second that. I have no knowledge of that specific accident but southbound Monroe from 4th to 9th is egregiously dangerous. There are crosswalks but no stop lights at 5th and 6th street and maybe at 7th as well. That section of Monroe is so steep that cars going up in the winter don't want to slow down, but there are pedestrian crossings at all of those intersections. That section of Monroe should be flat out closed during winter. And in dry conditions improvements need to be made for the safety of pedestrians. It's next to a hospital and Ronald McDonald house for god's sake.

RE:RE: CHOOSE: It seems like we still want to put the blame on the women, it's true it's our choice, and our responsibility, but without the man there's not a baby, and if we make birth control not available, there's a problem, men need to step up, ask questions are you using birth control, if not then he needs to wear a condom, if you're going to have consensual sex, both parties are responsible, stop putting this on the woman, it makes you wonder, if the man got pregnant, would we blame them.

A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE: So pregnancy is god's will, but trying to ban birth control so unplanned pregnancies don't happen is good? My argument is, if this is true, then why not ban ED drugs (which are advertised more than birth control for women) because if pregnancy is god's will so is ED (erectile dysfunction) otherwise it sounds like we're targeting women again

RE: SPD-AGAIN? Yeah cop cars should probably be more neutral-maybe if it had a BLM sticker or a LGBTQ one it wouldn't have hurt your feelings so badly. Kinda like the ones plastered in intersections and on streets.

#SPD: I agree with "SPD-Again?" about the reasons I can't trust our police force. I moved here in the early 1980s. SPD scandals, from gambling to rape to violating civil rights to resisting reforms to cover-ups to killings (remember Otto Zehm!) have been regular events ever since. City employees. Public servants. NOT above the law, elite military units. Please, find & keep the good officers among them — they do exist, & I appreciate those — & can the rest. Please!

GET THE N-S CORRIDER DONE!!! The population rise in this area has caused traffic to increase exponentially (and dangerously) within the past two years. People disrespect and, thus, never use public transportation. The Division Exit Zombies wander out into traffic. Idiots on drugs and immature teens often speed and/or use their dumbphones and cause crashes, adding much more time to already long jams. Every car I see while stuck in morning and afternoon traffic has ONE person driving and MAYBE his/her children in the vehicle. Other alternatives: CARPOOL — BUILD LIGHT RAIL — WIDEN I-90 — DECREASE LAND PERMITS to HUGE, GREEDY CORPORATIONS — REDUCE UNNECESSARY DRIVING. Think about it. You want Spokane to turn into Seattle, Portland and San Francisco? ♦

Ben Joyce: Places @ Jundt Art Museum

Mondays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Continues through Jan. 4
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