GARLAND THEATER: It may be because of my Zendaya height that it took me 12 years to see the Tom Holland in you. But I saw you and I see you now. My short king. You're fire arms of muscle. You're jocose vibe. I hope you never stop reaching for this tall queen. Will you meet me again for pinball at the Garland Theater?CHEERS
HUGE THANKS TO MAVERIK CUSTOMERS: I want to thank the AWESOME customers who helped out with a medical issue with one of my coworkers. The wonderful lady who found my coworker in the restroom THANK YOU!!!! You came and told me and climbed on the floor to get the stall unlocked to get her help. Bless you. To the regular who is an off duty fireman THANK YOU. You all helped out and got her the care she needed.
YOKES AIRWAY HEIGHTS: Cheers to the guys that make the sushi...they are artists
OUR KHQ FAVORITES: In our building south of the river, a 15-floor building that is also caddy corner from KHQ, are 150 senior apartments. Those of us who watch TV in the community room have our favorites & not so favorite local news anchors & weather reporters. However there are two KHQ reporters that we all agree on: Cory Howard & Leslie Lowe. Leslie, the smartest weather reporter with the most sophisticated attire & Cory who delivers the news with enough information so that we understand the story. Cory's quips, his clever remarks always cause us to laugh. Thanks to both for their cheerfulness.
BYE BYE BADDIES: I am happy that some people that have caused chaos in the community are going to be taken away from here. Fear not those that are here to escape a terrible life, I support you and will help. The ones that have ruined my daughter's life and given all around her so much stress and grief, I am happy to see you run away. I know who you are now. Please community help drive out the ones causing all this heartache.
BIGGEST RIZZLER: Shout out to the biggest Rizzler I know! You're one of my bestest friends and I'm blessed to have you and your beautiful family in my life! You exude sunshine everywhere you go!!! Love, your Cornwoman
"PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS" ... just a saying & not something you should literally do. Yet I see customers literally holding their cash payments in their mouth while digging through wallets, purses, pockets, etc. Gross! Now I have to touch it to put it in the register. Also why on Earth is your money damp in the middle of winter?
LUNATICS @ 29TH AND FREYA: Sunday morning, 8:50 am. I'm heading east on 29th, about to cross the intersection when two cars southbound on Freya blew past the stop sign at over 50 miles an hour. Had I paid less attention my wife, who is pregnant with our first child and sitting passenger side, could have been severely injured or killed. Shame on the drivers with zero regard for the lives around them.
MARY DYE, JENNY GRAHAM, MIKE VOLZ AND HOUSE BILL 1584: I'm writing to express my deep frustration and disappointment with your recently proposed bill to eliminate voting by mail as the norm in Washington. Quite frankly, this idea is not only impractical but also a huge step backward for our democracy. Calling it "dumb" might sound blunt, but I struggle to find any other word that accurately describes such a pointless initiative. Mail-in voting has proven time and again to be safe, secure, and highly convenient for voters — especially in a state like ours, which has successfully relied on this system for years. Rather than throwing away a reliable process and undermining the confidence people have in our elections, you should be focusing on real work that benefits your constituents: addressing pressing issues like education, health care, infrastructure, and economic growth. Moreover, it's frustrating to see continued efforts to cast doubt on legitimate election results. Denying or casting suspicion on well-verified outcomes does a disservice to our state's reputation, sows unnecessary distrust among the public, and wastes precious time and resources that could be spent tackling real problems. Please, for the sake of Washington's citizens, reconsider this bill. Listen to your constituents, respect our proven election system, and direct your attention to substantive policies that truly help people. It's time to stop the nonsense and get back to doing the jobs you were elected to do.
RE: STATE FISCAL LUNACY: Criticizing Washington's budget and e-bike rebates misses the bigger picture. Yes, the state has a deficit, but cutting programs with long-term benefits is shortsighted. E-bikes reduce traffic, lower pollution, and decrease wear on roads — saving money on health care and infrastructure in the future. These rebates aren't handouts, they help lower-income residents access affordable, eco-friendly transportation. It's not wasteful spending — it's an investment in cleaner, more equitable mobility. As for battery safety, e-bikes are no more dangerous than other lithium-powered devices when used responsibly. Calling them "ticking time bombs" is just fearmongering. Your criticism of the "Democrat majority" also ignores the real value of supporting healthier, sustainable transportation. Cutting programs just because they cost money now ignores the long-term benefits. E-bike rebates won't solve every budget issue, but they're a step toward economic, environmental, and public health gains. That's not lunacy — it's smart policy.
REDUCED EGG PRICES: ...not now, the disrupter is busy creating chaos and mayhem...in other words, he's disrupting what he wants, not attending to your needs...psyche!!
RE: HALL MONITOR: So, let me get this straight. You don't think people from Spokane should have to pay the tabs for licenses on cars because the cost is too high? I would implore you to take a look at the cost of tabs in states that do enforce the law. The tabs in Washington state are quite cheap by comparison. Then again, if you haven't ever been anywhere but Spokane, you wouldn't know. Your "karen" statements are really inane. Oh I forgot. Inane means lacking significance or a point. I shouldn't use such big words so you can understand. Like "karen." How incredibly dumb.
STRANGER TERMS OF ENDEARMENT: "Hey there, Honey," "What can I get you, Love?" "Would you like a box, Sweetie," "More Coffee, Doll?" Seriously! What is up with all the pet names offered to guests, by servers in this town? While friendliness is clearly of value in a restaurant and hospitality setting, over familiarity is totally unprofessional, annoying and quite uncomfortable. Suddenly casual terms of endearment are the norm, all while the price of casual dining out has increased exponentially. If you want me to pay $22.00 (plus 20% tip) for a sandwich, am I not entitled to some professional decorum. If I wanted to be called "Honey," I would have headed to my mom's house for lunch. Not to mention the gross double standard that surely exists. I would be severely chastised (understandably so) if I beckoned my server over by calling her, "Sweetie." Please don't pretend we are friends. I'm not your "Love," you don't even know me. Our relationship is purely transactional and either party ignoring this fact is a failure in the preconceived arrangement we entered into when I sat down. While Ma'am or Sir may be considered old-fashioned, I'm not sure intimate nicknames are an appropriate substitute.
NAME SHAMING: What's the point of the derogatory, schoolyard juvenile bullying name calling? Does it make you feel superior and above reproach? Narcissism, racism, misogyny, fascism and bullying are encouraged if not called out. Would you like YOUR name to be a descriptive negative adjective also? (Still better a Dick than a Karen?) Karen is now a name in decline for newborn girls. (Who Kares?) We are far better as people when we come together with compassion for one another. ♦