RE: NOT MY OUTTHERE: Based on your responses and that you indicate you came to your party many times with tears. This was not the case for me. That's how these things go. It was a leaf in the wind. Such is life. However any preliminary analysis of your posts from an outsider suggests potentially contradictory messages from you indicating a need for integrity on your part. It's interesting that so many people's lives have similar details and intersect.CHEERS
WATCHED: We are being watched by our ancestors on the moon. The sons of god and the daughters of men, also known as the Nephilim. This is why we only see one side of the moon.
A MATTER OF BALANCE! Thanks to A Matter of Balance, Aging & Long Term Care's falls prevention program, more than 1,000 older adults in our area have taken steps to prevent falls and their consequences! Falls are the leading cause of injuries for adults ages 65 and older, but falling is NOT a normal part of aging, and most falls can be prevented. A Matter of Balance, a FREE program for adults 60+, empowers individuals to reduce falling risks and increase their activity levels. This program relies on volunteer coaches to encourage participants to do what they can to identify and eliminate falling hazards and be safely involved in activities they enjoy. Cheers to Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington for offering this program in its five-county service area! For information about this program or to sign up for a class, please visit https://www.altcew.org/programs-services/preventing-falls/
NICE GUY AT YOKE'S ON MONTGOMERY: Cheers to the really nice guy in front of me at the checkout at the Yoke's on Montgomery on March 12, 2025 in the evening. I ran to the store to grab a few things after a very long day. You offered to pay for my groceries. That was so nice of you! I had such a hard day and this really made my week. God bless you and I hope your kindness is returned to you tenfold. I can't thank you enough!
JESSE EISENBERG: SO TENDER, SO RAW: Oh, Jesse, youthful star of yesteryear//Who graced the screen in fleeting, modest light//A charm so raw, so tender, yet sincere//Unveiled a spark within that stirred the night.//Thy timid gaze, thy soft and crooked grin,//Did whisper truths to hearts not yet aware.//No brazen fire, no loud or carnal din,//But gentle storms of passion, sweet and rare.//What alchemy, that one brief ad could spark//A flood of thoughts unknown, desires untamed.//Thy presence lit the corners of the dark,//And softly kindled dreams I'd not yet named.//Oh, didst thou know, within that fragile frame,//A force unmeasured quietly did dwell?//Thy awkward grace, unpolished yet aflame,//Did weave a spell no words could rightly tell.//For in thy flaws, thy beauty found its hue,//A beacon bold for those who seek the strange.//Through thee, I learned to love the raw, the true,//And found delight in what the world deemed strange.//So, Jesse, thou, in modest, fleeting guise,//Didst wake a soul to love through timid art.//A stolen moment held in captive eyes,//Forever lives within this tender heart.
BRT NOW NOT LATER! Boo STA! C'mon! You guys have been hyping everyone about Bus Rapid Transit forever. A bus line that runs often enough that it's actually usable! And now I hear that you won't roll it out (on Division) until 2030? It's funded. You're caving to perceived or anticipated political backlash if you roll it out before the completion of 395? No one even knows when 395 will be completed. There is still right of way that needs to acquired for 395. Please do not cave to political pressure. You have the means to start the BRT project.
GO TAKE A LEAK ELSEWHERE: Jeers to the guy that rudely barged into our place of business without a simple "hello" or a response of why you're here and proceeded to go use the bathroom and then leave pretending to be on a call without a word to anyone. And of all places, you chose a salon instead of a gas station that was literally next to us. You're the reason why bathrooms are for customers only. I bet you'd have a different reaction if everyone else showed up your house and walked in without a word, taking a dump in your bathroom and leaving without a word.
SUPPORT OUR VETERANS: Trump is planning to fire 83,000 VA employees. I am a veteran and appalled. Our veterans, especially combat vets, don't get the health care and therapies they need. Trump has always shown his contempt for vets but this is too much. Write Congress and tell your representative and senators to stop dismantling the VA. Trump hates vets because they sacrificed for this country, something he has never done.
LICENSE FRAUD: Cheers to all of those commenting on the expired (illegal) tabs in Spokane still driving down city streets. Jeers to all of those who are doing so thinking that everyone else is responsible for paying for them but not them. Recently, I saw two motorcycle police who were situated several blocks apart from one another and appeared to be pulling over speeders. Now, if they set up the same types of scenarios but pulled over those with expired tabs also, that would be great. I've been all over the country and never seen so many expired tabs anywhere but Spokane.
HOT ENOUGH FOR YOU YET? Trying to make sense of what's going on with Trump, Musk, and their legions of toadies? Look to a companion species for the easy but perfect cliche: frog in the kettle. Tariffs? Trump turns up the heat, then dials it down a little, but not really. Repeat the process. Budget cuts? Maniac Musk announces scorched earth plans, then backtracks before we feel too much discomfort too soon. Slowly but steadily the temperature climbs, a less obvious but no less devastating version of climate change. And still the poor beast doesn't jump, tolerating ever higher prices, fewer government services, the dismantling of democracy by degrees until it's too late. Soon, the oligarchs will dine on frog legs.
MR. BAUMGARTNER: I appreciate your position. Brand new in a well funded and padded seat that CMR had for years. But, I take exception to your fireside chat newsletter proclaiming you're speaking to all Eastern Washington when your town halls consist of a trip to see the Girl Scouts, Ritzville, and Whitworth College? REALLY? The users of Medicaid, Social Security, free school lunches and children's health care are not LIVING IN THOSE AREAS! Come downtown (not on St. Patty's Day). Again, your choice of venue is questionable. Come to Riverfront Park, Downtown Library, come to where you'll find the people who use Medicaid, Social Security, free school lunches, Veterans without housing, child health care ...all of which will be frittered away by DOGE's inexperienced staff. Come where the voters are!!!
RE: THANK YOU FOR READING: Dear "Thank you for Reading," I read your Cheers in last week's Inlander. While I agree that "1984," "Animal Farm," "A Brave New World," "It Can't Happen Here" should all be on our reading lists, I find it funny that you claim now that we may not be able to for very much longer. Wasn't it the Biden Administration censoring free speech on social media? Don't believe me? Go watch "The Weaponization of the Federal Government" where Jim Jordan's committee drilled Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, both lifelong liberal journalists. The Democrats called these esteemed men "so-called journalists" and belittled them for revealing this censorship. It truly enlightened me how far the liberals have fallen. Liberal used to mean "open to new ideas and opinions."
ZIPLINE: Six years ago at a cost of $28,000,000 "The Place of Truths Plaza" is proposed to be the East terminus of a private corporation's Zipline. The West terminus is Red Band Park. There are two parking places at the Plaza. The street legal golf carts will come up to the Intersection of West Main, North Monroe and Spokane Falls Boulevard. Never busy — nobody runs red lights. I fail to understand the Boondoggle of a Zipline. [EDITOR'S NOTE: The lion's share of the city's $25 million pricetag for A Place of Truths Plaza was spent building a massive 2.2 million gallon underground storage tank to capture stormwater runoff so it can be treated before it goes into the river. Liberty Lake-based Mica Moon Zip Tours is privately paying to build a zipline from the plaza, and will operate it.]♦