Inlander Cover Pet: 2023 Photo Contest Winners

Best in Show

“This is Babette. She was found abandoned in a barn when she was about a month old and we have had her ever since. She is now a year old and as spoiled as can be. Though she is mostly an indoor cat, she loves nothing more than her daily walks outside on her leash and harness. She loves watching birds, chasing bugs, helping out in the garden, and — as evidenced by her front paws — playing in the dirt!”

Dapper Doggies

“Howdy from Mr. Huey! This two-year old miniature Blue Heeler may be small in stature but has a big personality! He is a Northwest native and big time lover of fetch. Give him a ball and an open field, and he's content for hours. Huey loves the High Bridge Dog Park, where he prioritizes meeting new human friends and scoping out the next tennis ball. He enjoys a good brewery patio where he can focus on his chewing a stick and soaking up the sun. Huey loves spending time with his humans on neighborhood walks, sleeping on pillows, and doing zoomies around the coffee table. Fun fact: Huey was featured on the Minted website as a model for a holiday card! Follow along on Huey's adventures through Instagram at @howdyhuey.”
Runner Up: Eddy

Cuddly Cats

”I saw and fell in love with Sage on March 2, 2022 at SCRAPS when I randomly went to look at some kitties! Even though I was a total stranger to her, she was still very sweet and let me pet her. Now today she runs to the door every time I get home from work, meowing with joy to see me!”
Runner Up: Gary

Precious Puppies

”First trip to the ocean”
Runner Up: Penny

Cute Kittens

”Frog came to us as a sickly foster kitten, named for her sad little “croak” of a meow. She instantly fell in love with our dog and used him as her personal heater for her cold paws. We couldn’t give her up and so adopted her to be our forever kitty”
Runner Up: Joey

Costume Contest
Juniper, Rosemary, Dandelion and Lloyd the Cat

”Juniper is the Scarecrow, she is the mother of Rosemary, the Tin Man, and Dandelion, the Cowardly Lion. Dandy boy, as we call him, never has a bad day. He’s got a 5-foot vertical jump of excitement. Juniper is a very calm, loving dog, and Rosie keeps everyone in order. They are very good sports about my dress up and holiday photos, as I always try to outdo the year prior. This one will be hard to beat. Lloyd is the flying monkey, he is a cat that thinks he's one of the dogs. It is a little more tricky to get him to participate in the photos, but I lucked out with this one! It was perfect. Rosemary and Dandelion also do a lot of modeling for Dr. Mom's Animal Clinic, promoting various products, health trips or holiday fun! They are great dogs and get a lot of attention wherever they go!”
Runner Up: Tinkerbell

Silly Photos

”Julius is a community cat that lives in my neighborhood. I feed him and he sleeps in a heated house in my backyard. This is Julius after a long day of napping, laying in the sun, and eating treats!”
Runner Up: Rodger Bo

Here Comes Trouble
Gussie (and the toilet paper)

”Aka the Queen of DeNial, slayer of hearts and flying insects, who says, "It wasn't me, mom!"”
Runner Up: Cats Jasper, Franny & Carol and a basket of yarn

Rescue Rascals
Hiro, Kimchi, Prince, Cheddar, Meg

”Adopted is our favorite breed! Hiro, adopted 2019 from Spokane Humane Society; Kimchee, adopted 2022 from Rescue4All; Prince (cat), adopted 2017 from Hometown Animal Hospital; Cheddar, adopted 2015 from SCRAPS; Meg, adopted 2010 from Ravensgate Border Collie Rescue.”
Runner Up: Mama Clover

Sweet Senior

”Motli is a sweet, stubborn, 11-year-old cocker spaniel heeler mix. My forever hiking buddy, even now that she can’t go as far, I can pack her into her backpack. She’s my ride or die, unless there is a bicycle or loud noise, hard pass. As she’s gotten older, she pretends like she can’t hear me when it’s time for bed, so that I will carry her to the room. Honestly, I don’t mind, sign me up for this forever.”
Runner Up: Skoshi

Outdoor Adventure Pets

”Fitzy came to me in 2018, at 6-and-a-half years old, after his previous mom moved into a retirement home. Since nobody in the family was able to take him permanently, he was shuffled around for a couple of months and eventually made his way to the Inland Northwest. We were brought together by my friend, who is now his dog groomer. He is like most dogs… loves to jump off the back steps barking at squirrels, lounges around the house being utterly unhelpful, and digs around in the dirt hiding who knows in the yard! But our favorite activity is getting out on my SUP for a day on the lake, enjoying the sun!”
Runner Up: Mabel

Best Buds
Wilbur and Orville

”Wilbur and Orville – litter mates and besties ”
Runner Up: Fergus, Rigsby, Wallis and Phineas

Working Pets

”Our paw-fessional recruiter at Express Employment Professionals!”
Runner Up: Moto, the shop cat at North Division Bicycle

Cold Blooded

”Hi! I'm Bubbles and I'm an axolotl. My mom thinks I'm the cutest boy ever!!”
Runner Up: Tater Tort the tortoise

Warm Blooded

”Meet Momo, our feisty, disturbingly intelligent, always-finds-ways-to-escape-his-cage chinchilla! We also have a guinea pig, Huey. They are buddies and we have some cute pics of them playing together!”
Runner Up: Momo, a Solomon Island Eclectus parrot

On the Farm
Miss V

”An urban hen (Polish Bantam) who runs into a lot of stuff and prefers roosting outdoors in the wisteria every night… but gets put to bed in the coop despite their protests.”
Runner Up: Shirley, a goat

Ben Bailey @ Spokane Comedy Club

Sun., March 2, 7 p.m.
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