Open mics across the region let Inland Northwest creatives showcase their many talents

click to enlarge Open mics across the region 
let Inland Northwest creatives 
showcase their many talents
Young Kwak photo

It all comes down to bravery.

Staring down a room full of people while standing in front of a live microphone is plenty of people's worst nightmare. Sweaty palms and shaky hands threaten scripts scattering to the ground, and voices quaver in fear of stumbling over words.

Yet nearly every night of the week, a budding musician in a crowded bar dares to perform in front of strangers. Aspiring comedians tell original jokes, hoping for a laugh. In a burrito shop, poets share vulnerable words straight from their hearts.

Open mics invent space for creatives to share their work without judgment, something that doesn't come easily in many public forums.

The stories that follow showcase five local open mics. Some were established over a decade ago and still draw crowds each time, while others dwindled and were rekindled over the years. All feature courageous constituents who find solace in words, music and laughter.

— MADISON PEARSON, Section Editor

Art Bites @ Downtown Spokane

Sun., Sept. 8, 2 p.m. and Sun., Oct. 13, 2 p.m.
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