'Pinkerton Deluxe Edition,' Weezer

Exhaustive reissue of a cult classic is excessive and unnecessary.

'Pinkerton Deluxe Edition,' Weezer
'Pinkerton Deluxe Edition,' Weezer

Might as well get this out of the way: Pinkerton is the underdog’s underdog — an album originally panned by critics that eventually turned into the crowd/critical favorite. It’s easily one of the most sing-along-able records in recent rock history, and a gem for anyone who enjoys melodic alt-rock. Now, this deluxe edition includes hefty liner notes with extra photos and an essay from band buddy Karl Koch. Thrown in are essential B-sides like “You Gave Your Love to Me Softly” and “I Just Threw Out the Love of My Dreams.” But it also has five versions each (!!!) of “The Good Life” and “Pink Triangle.” It’s padding like this that explains why “25 bonus tracks” is both impressive-sounding and a total bait-and-switch. No fan needs this. Or perhaps more accurately, any real fan already has this. Save the $30 you’d spend on this excessive package and go to the Blinkerton tour.

DOWNLOAD: “El Scorcho”


Mismiths, Evelyn's Casket @ The Big Dipper

Fri., March 28, 7:30 p.m.
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