Run, Octogenarian, Run!
What if you started laughing about the idea of 80-year-olds running sprints and then found out they're faster than you are? That'd wipe the smirk off your face. You can do penance by attending the National Masters Championships today through Sunday at SFCC. More than 1,000 competitors (ages 30-95) will run, jump and throw, with six Olympians from the '60s (hammer throw, javelin, discus), '70s (sprints) and '80s (high jump) scattered among them. Visit, then bet on Orville Rogers in the middle distances. He only runs a 10-minute mile, but then he's 91.
Wheeled Into Action
Fifteen athletes from Team St. Luke's won multiple medals at the National Junior Disability Championships held at New Jersey's Rutgers University in late July. At the international championships, held concurrently with athletes from 18 nations competing, five teenagers from Spokane's own St. Luke's squad won 13 medals. They're among the very best in the entire world at what they do: track, swimming, basketball, power lifting and more. Team St. Luke's broke nearly three-dozen American records.
Re-Light the Lantern
The Magic Lantern plans to return in October with a new slate of independent films. If you have a vision for how Spokane's art house ought to operate, share your ideas with the board of directors on Tuesday, Aug. 19, at the Glover Mansion, 321 W. Eighth Ave., with networking and refreshments at 6:30 pm and focused discussion groups from 7-9 pm. Write or call 838-1781.
Duel to Destruction
Check out the Yu Gi Oh! meet at the Convention Center all day on Saturday and watch the Baron of the Fiend Sword totally dominate that guy's Dark Driceratops.
We Stand Corrected
Due to an editor's error, last week's photo of Josh Hedlund ("Walkabout," 7/31/08) went uncredited. The photo should have been credited to Ben Olson. Nice shot, Ben!