When the sun begins to set before 4:20, and the carolers circle for yet another rendition of "I'll Be Stoned for Christmas," you know it's that time of year once again: Green Zone Gifts!

We all have someone on our list who wants something a little more sticky than candy in their stocking. We have you covered. Don't know what to get the new enthusiast? We do! What about a gift for the longtime toker who is looking for something a bit more bold? We have ideas for them as well. We also have suggestions for gifts to keep those stoney hands busy — doing something other than rolling another one up for holiday cheer, of course.

So go put the kids to bed, get to that sugar plum gummy, and let your mind settle down and wander that enchanted garden of cannabis flower. Because it's Cannabis-mas, and that only happens once a year. Please enjoy this year's chronic-what!-cles of Green Zone Gifts.


The Evolution of the Japanese Sword @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through May 4
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