Preroll joints made right here in the Inland Northwest are the ultimate in simplicity when it comes to smoking cannabis

click to enlarge Preroll joints made right here in the Inland Northwest are the ultimate in simplicity when it comes to smoking cannabis
Just roll with it.

The idea that cannabis users are lazy stoners is nothing more than a stereotype. What is true, however, is that everyone is lazy once in a while. Who among us hasn't thrown in the towel at dinnertime and ordered a pizza? So, for those times when you do feel like a lazy stoner, turn to the ordering out of cannabis consumption: the preroll.

Swing by a dispensary, pick up one of these locally made products, and you'll have yourself the simplest single serving of cannabis known to man. With a preroll, the path to a buzz is just three steps long — purchase, unpackage and puff.

Here are two Inland Northwest-made prerolls to make your lazy days as easy as possible.


If you're feeling lazy and you want to blast yourself out of that mindset and into something very active, Spokane Valley producer Phat Panda's OG Chem 1 gram preroll will certainly do the trick. At roughly 26% THC in a 1 gram joint it is perfect for sharing, as this sativa-heavy strain will keep everyone involved for as long as you want the night to last.

An ideal sharing-around-the-circle kind of joint, this mid-20% sativa is perfect for those times spent around a late summer bonfire (if burn restrictions allow) or an August house party. On its own, it's a lot, but among some friends it's well balanced.

Find OG Chem prerolls for $10 at The Vault.


There is more that grows on the Palouse than just wheat and legumes. Lately, some quality cannabis comes from there as well.

Pullman-based Dewey Cannabis' Happy Trails is a strong — between 22% and 26% THC — strain that has an energy-driven, sativa-dominant effect. It's potent, but as it is sold in half-gram joints, it's relatively easy to handle compared to the traditional full-gram joints most other brands offer.

With an exceptionally easy serving size, it only takes a few puffs to go from start to finish. Whereas many other brands prioritize excess, these stubby little joints are both quick and easy without compromising flavor or quality.

Find two joint packs for $8 at Primo Cannabis.

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Will Maupin

Will Maupin is a regular contributor to the Inlander, mainly covering sports, culture and cannabis. He’s been writing about sports since 2013 and cannabis since 2019. Will enjoys covering local college basketball, and regularly contributes to the Inlander's Gonzaga Basketball blog, Kennel Corner. He also writes...