The computer.
What are your thoughts on AI being used in schools?
It's a benefit but also contrary to that because it will make you lazy. Instead of doing the research at a library and looking for it, which uses your brain, you punch in the name, and it shows up. When you're using your brain, you're working that muscle, and it's better than relying on somebody else to give you that information.
Probably the computer.
Do you think AI will be adopted in schools?
Yes, but it's scary. It doesn't let you think for yourself, and students need to learn to think for themselves in school. AI doesn't let you do that. You just read what it says, and it's scary.
The internet has had the biggest impact on education. When I went through school, we had library access, and I used the internet far more than I used my actual physical library. So Wikipedia, Google, search engines, those types of outlets have been very important for education.
Do you think AI will be adopted in schools, similar to the calculator?
I really hope not because there are many things you can do with AI that you can't do with a calculator, including manipulating and pretending to be somebody you're not, especially in a school setting.
Well, I know that the tablets are very popular and because of touch screen capabilities are widely used currently.
Do you think AI will be adopted in schools, similar to the calculator?
AI in the classroom is still really new, and teachers are struggling to find ways to balance its use with its misuse. We are a ways from that and need more teacher training on what AI looks like in the classroom.