Rampant sexism in VA hospitals, Dems introduce new path for immigrants and other headlines

ZAGS: The Zags lost???

NATION: Wealthy Americans have been charged with bribing their children's way into fancy schools. In other news, no one is surprised.

GUNS: Are the sheriffs opposing Initiative 1639 just grandstanding? A little.

click to enlarge Rampant sexism in VA hospitals, Dems introduce new path for immigrants and other headlines
Spokane VA Medical Center Facebook
Sexism in the VA
Female veterans discuss the rampant sexism at Veterans Administration hospitals. “It’s like a construction site,” a Texas congressman said. (New York Times)

Classic Covington
Remember the Covington kids? Of course you do. They're suing CNN for $275 million. (Slate)

A dream and a promise
House Dems have introduced a bill that would allow about 2.5 million immigrants to seek legal status in the United States, dubbed the Dream and Promise Act. (Vox)

A bill passed in the Washington state Senate that would require presidential candidates to release tax information to appear on the Washington state ballot. The Stranger has more. 

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Quinn Welsch

Quinn Welsch was on staff at the Inlander from 2018-2021.