Sip yourself stoned without spending yourself silly

click to enlarge Sip yourself stoned without spending yourself silly
From potent lemonade to light seltzers, local dispensaries have you covered.

Think about the idea of drinking. Unless you work in the industry, cannabis probably doesn't come to mind. That said, if you're reading this section of the Inlander, it probably should.

Cannabis-infused beverages have exploded on the market over the decade-plus since legalization. Their ubiquity has reached the point that you can now find CBD beverages for sale alongside specialty sodas at your local grocery or marketed as cure-alls and cure-anythings at convenience stores around the city, disreputable or otherwise.

That's without even mentioning the legitimate products that can get you very high, as is their purpose, and that are available at dispensaries wherever cannabis is now legal. Yep, we're talking about THC-infused beverages.

This roundup focuses on these edibles you don't have to chew. Whether it's lemonade or cider, soda or a shot, drinkable cannabis is more available than ever. If you want to swallow your cannabis, you no longer have to worry about choking down a dry cannabis brownie. You can wash anything down with a THC-laced liquid.

Every dispensary in Spokane County carries these products, and almost every one also offers discounts on these products. You just need to know when and where in order to reap the savings. We've got you covered, with the following list of local dispensaries offering regular discounts on infused beverages. ♦


Spokane Green Leaf: 20% off
The Top Shelf: 20% off
Greenlight: 10-20% off
Apex Cannabis: 15% off
Cinder: 15% off
Lovely Buds: 15% off
Toker Friendly: 15% off


Sativa Sisters: 25% off


Piece of Mind: 20% off
Primo Cannabis: 20% off
Toker Friendly: 15% off


Lucky Leaf: 20% off


Nirvana Cannabis Company: 15% off


The Green Nugget: 25% off
Greenhand: 20% off
Royals Cannabis: 20% off
Smokane: 15% off
Mary Jane's: 10% off

It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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