The Spokane International Film Festival and local nonprofit Terrain have teamed up to present a new film category scheduled to hit the silver screen this February at the festival.
SpIFF and Terrain's brainchild started with Terrain's Luke Baumgarten and SpIFF Director Adam Boyd discussing how to create a partnership between the work of SpIFF and Terrain as supporters of the arts. The result? The first Emerging Filmmakers Showcase in SpIFF history.
SpIFF is known for featuring experienced and established filmmakers in their event showcases, but with the help of the SpIFF-Terrain dialogue, new filmmakers will have a new opportunity to present their work to festivalgoers.
"This is kind of the opening of doors for new filmmakers," Boyd says.
With the addition of the Emerging Filmmakers Showcase, Terrain has added a new edge to this year's festival. Terrain's historic home inside the Washington Cracker Co. Building is housing several SpIFF events, including the opening and closing galas, in addition to the new Emerging Filmmaker showcase.
The indie and hard-wired feel of Terrain's facility will give the festival an apt home for the raw presentation of new films, Boyd says. And the showcase itself will give new filmmakers an opportunity to present their productions on the big screen.
"It's really important to make opportunities for young and emerging artists because it's not just about giving them a place to show, but helping them get a sense of the industry," Baumgarten says.
The Emerging Filmmaker Program will introduce a category all its own for Spokane's 18th International Film Festival, and will help emerging filmmakers "find their foothold," Baumgarten says.
The films screening at the showcase are Litter Bugz, My Favourite Season, Penny's for Tea, Slide, The Teacher and the Flower, Trio and Vacant. Directors Andrew Beyer (Slide), Benjamin Thompson (Litter Bugz) and Travis Lien (Trio) are scheduled to attend for a panel discussion. ♦
Terrain Emerging Filmmakers Showcase • Fri, Feb. 5, at 5:30 pm • Washington Cracker Co. Building • 304 W. Pacific • •