It's not that they don't have friends. Homebodies choose to stay at home, they tell you. That doesn't mean they don't want affection in the form of gifts. But what do you buy a person whose favorite thing to do, literally, is nothing at all? The trick is to make them feel like snuggling up all warm and cozy at home is just as interesting as the world out there.


There's too much stress out there in the world for a homebody. Sometimes the stress can follow them inside, creating some serious negative energy at home. You can solve a homebody's sea of troubles with a Himalayan Salt Lamp. It comes with a card that explains how the lamp, made with Himalayan salt, will cleanse and purify the air. If all that doesn't work out, they're still fun to look at. Starting at $20 • Wonders of the World • The Flour Mill • 621 W. Mallon


What if — just maybe — homebodies could witness all the wonders of a self-sustaining ecosystem simply by staring at a little jar? The EcoSphere has bottled up nature and made it available for living rooms everywhere. The homebody you know will never have to feed it, and pets can't get inside. Be sure to explain the miracle of this self-sustaining ecosystem before they conclude that it's pretty much a snowglobe with some shrimp. $64 •


We all know what it's like to be at home, next to a heater or under a blanket, and still have icy-cold feet. People who live their lives at home need good slippers, and you'll get bonus points if you give them sheepskin slippers. With these slippers, the insoles can be taken out and washed or replaced, so they don't have to worry about stinky feet. $74 • The Leather Works • 215 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d'Alene


Don't give them just any blanket. Give them a blanket emblazoned with the logo of their favorite sports team. In the Northwest, that's usually the Seahawks, at least until they're not good anymore. Nobody is going to turn down a chance to cuddle with something this soft, especially when there's a mean-looking bird on it. $35 • Red Fox Sports • River Park Square,808 W. Main; NorthTown Mall, 14700 E. Indiana

OutLive Film Festival @ Washington Cracker Co. Building

Thu., March 20, 7-9 p.m.
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Wilson Criscione

Wilson Criscione was a staff writer and editor at the Inlander from 2016-2022.