We all do it: make resolutions that we have the best intentions of fulfilling. I have the usual resolutions, like the rest of the general public: eat healthier, exercise more, save more money and all of the other stuff that goes along with New Year’s resolutions. But as a self-proclaimed ski bum, my typical start date is right after the ski season ends — because even I know that a grilled cheese sandwich and a PBR isn’t a balanced or healthy lunch. But in an effort to keep with the New Year tradition of making and, of course, breaking resolutions, I have a couple additional challenges that I “try” to accomplish yearly, but as you can see, they are usually broken at first opportunity, except for one.
I will always shovel my driveway before leaving for a powder day — yeah right — who am I kidding? Unless I am plowed in and have to shovel my way out, there is no amount of snow that will keep me from making the first chair line up on a powder day, especially if I am running late, which is usually the case.
I will be honest with my boss when calling in “sick” on a powder day. The goggle tan and my friends tagging me at the first chair line on Facebook are visible and obvious. I have to remember that my boss reads the same ski report I do. Somehow, logic doesn’t process the same way when confronted with new snowfall.
I will not close down the bar the night before a forecasted powder day. This was initially on my list as: “I will not close down the bar during ski season.” This is usually broken on New Year’s Day, as my local après watering hole only stays open until 8 pm. It’s the thought that counts, right?
I will not compulsively buy new ski gear — just because I find a 60 percent-off deal doesn’t mean I need to add a sixth pair of goggles to my obsession.
And since I know that the previously mentioned resolutions will all be broken, I stick with the one that I know I will accomplish: I will ski.