Want to help? Here are 10 environmental nonprofits in the Inland Northwest you can volunteer with

Want to help? Here are 10 environmental nonprofits in the Inland Northwest you can volunteer with
Wilson Criscione photo
Scotchman Peaks Wilderness

Spokane Riverkeeper: Formed in 2009, the Spokane Riverkeeper acts as the steward of the Spokane River and its watershed, protecting it from pollution and ensuring its long-term health. 475-1228, spokaneriverkeeper.org

Inland Northwest Land Conservancy: The Inland Northwest Land Conservancy has worked to preserve the natural resources and wildlife of Eastern Washington and North Idaho since 1991 by working with landowners to preserve their own natural resources. 328-2939, inlandnwland.org

Dishman Hills Conservancy: The mission of the Dishman Hills Conservancy is to "permanently protect the Dishman Hills while connecting people to nature through conservation, education, and recreation." 598-0003, dishmanhills.org

350 Spokane: An organization dedicated to building a grassroots effort for "bold climate action" in the Spokane area, including a 100 percent fossil-free economy. (350.org is a national movement focused on sustainability and reducing fossil-fuel usage.) info@350spokane.org, 350spokane.org

Lands Council: Since the '80s, the Lands Council has organized to protect the wildlands of the Inland Northwest by organizing volunteer efforts and educational opportunities in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. 838-4912, landscouncil.org

Kootenai Environmental Alliance: The oldest environmental-conservation nonprofit in Idaho, the KEA was established in the '70s to protect North Idaho's natural resources. The organization continues to serve as a watchdog against overdevelopment and industry in the area. 208-667-9093, kealliance.org

Idaho Conservation League: This organization describes itself as "Idaho's leading voice for conservation," tackling water and air quality issues as well as wildlife conservation. 208-345-6933, idahoconservation.org.

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness: The Friends work to keep the landscape of North Idaho and Western Montana rugged by educating the public on wildlife conservation and improving the accessibility of trails to the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. 208-265-4236, scotchmanpeaks.org

Spokane River Forum: The Spokane River Forum supports efforts to maintain the Spokane River by creating educational materials and establishing events and dialog focused on the river's health. 535-7084, spokaneriver.net

Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute: The PCEI began as an effort to monitor the dangers of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in the '80s but has since turned into a watchdog for general environmental issues on the Palouse. 882-1444, pcei.org

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Quinn Welsch

Quinn Welsch was on staff at the Inlander from 2018-2021.