Smile and Say "Qi"
A local psychotherapist believes the ancient Chinese were onto something — even if it defies explanation
By Mick Lloyd-Owen
Ask Dr. Matt: Child Metabolic Disorder Screening
By Matt Thompson
Crayons to Cuisine
Dreams come true in full color for Wild Sage Chef Alexa Wilson
By Patty Seebeck
Dishing Up a Big Assist
Coaches vs. Cancer gives basketball masterminds like Mark Few a shot at helping to win the really, really big one
By Ted S. McGregor Jr.
Taking Workouts to the Playground
And you thought playgrounds were only for kids...
By Zach Hunt
Eating Well and Affordably
Rising food and gas prices make life more difficult for seniors on fixed incomes
By Anne McGregor
In the Nick of Time
Heel-stick blood tests are vital for diagnosing rare disorders in newborns
By Lisa Fairbanks-Rossi
Designated Child Watcher
A whistle and knowing who's in charge may prevent drownings this summer
By Julie Graham
5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great
By Ann M. Colford
Treating Autism Before a Diagnosis
By Michelle Solis
5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great: Clutter and Contentment
When it comes to clutter, pathology isn't in the eye of the beholder
The Best Season of All
By Nadine Woodward
5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great: Hearty Laughter
We know laughter’s good for the soul, but researchers say it’s good for the heart, too
Asthma Anxiety
5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great: Indebted to Sandman
Taking naps can help you stay healthy and perform better — and you don't even need a prescription
Lights, Camera... You're Aging
Even 38 years start to add up under the lens of the aging camera
By Laura Papetti
5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great: Light Up Your Life
Vitamin D is wonderful for bones and a whole lot more
A Healthy Summer
Hearing Well and Looking Good
New tiny hearing aids reveal a world of sound
By Jacob H. Fries
5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great: Treat Yourself to Health
Once-maligned foods may provide health benefits
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Sunshine, Spring and Readers' Favorite Things
By Chey Scott
Best of Food
The Trump administration is filing order after order against the LGBTQ+ community; here's how it's impacting the Inland Northwest
By Colton Rasanen
Idaho, once again, takes a stand against cannabis
By Will Maupin
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