Holidays on Hold

The holiday season of 2020 will be a time like no other. One to really remember and tell our wide-eyed grandkids about someday... or one that we'd rather forget ever happened.

Sadly, COVID-19's lasting grip on the world, country and Inland Northwest means that most of us will have to forgo travel, large gatherings of family and friends, and the enjoyment of countless activities and events out in the community. It's a sacrifice being made without hesitation, and with determination that a year from now things can carry on as before: the festive holiday parties, concerts, local theater productions, crowded stores and streets, sitting on Santa's lap, and cozying up with loved ones from near and far to exchange gifts.

In the meantime, this holiday season offers something else: plenty of downtime to pause, reflect and count our blessings. It's also an opportunity for those of us who can to reach out with a warm heart and helping hand to the members of our community who need it most: first responders and health care workers, small-business owners and their staffs, the homeless and jobless, teachers, seniors, postal workers and delivery drivers, retail and grocery workers, and many more.

So please, mask up, stay home, and have a joyous holiday.

Chey Scott,
Holiday Guide editor