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"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
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As a conscientious driver in Spokane, I have never been on the receiving
end of road rage. Until I put a Coexist sticker on my car. So let me take a
moment to talk to you about your reactions to my sticker. When you think it
means that I support abortion, remember this as you tailgate me on the
freeway within inches of my bumper, putting the life of my baby in the
backseat at risk. When you think it means that I am anti-military, remember
this as you flip off my husband who is serving in our military, and has
been for the past 15 years. When you think it means that I don't care about
outsourcing our jobs, remember this as you support Wal-Mart where 95% of
the products sold are made in a different country. When you think it means
that I support gay and lesbian rights, remember this as we once didn't
support rights for blacks or women. When you think it means that I support
radical religions and terrorism, remember this as you terrorize me by
trying to run me off of the road. When you think it means that I don't
support Christianity, remember this as you judge me, even though the bible
states ever-so-clearly not to judge. I won't take the sticker off of my
car, because I refuse to teach my son that he should back down in the face
of fear and intimidation. Please remember these things and do your part in,
well, coexisting with me.