"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
"insertPoint": "4",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "4"
"name": "Broadstreet - Empower Local",
"component": "27852456",
"insertPoint": "8",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "8"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
"insertPoint": "12",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "12"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory - 728x90 / 970x250",
"component": "27852677",
"insertPoint": "18",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "18"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
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For everyone leaving the South Hill in the morning, particularly those taking the 29th Ave all the way to High Drive and then to downtown. For some reason everyone driving around 7:45am -8am for Pete's sake speed the hell up. This is starting to be ridiculous. You aren't even doing the speed limit. You don't even care if there are 7 cars behind you. You continue to mosey on down the hill like a snail. Speed up it will not hurt you, you might like it. Many of us like myself leave on time, but when you refuse to drive even the speed limit, you make us all late.