Washington's governmental family feud is making rounds in the national media today, thanks to this lovely video.
It may not be huge news to those of us in the Evergreen State, but here's Gov. Chris Gregoire tearing Attorney General Rob McKenna a new one over his decision to join a multi-state lawsuit challenging the federal government's health care overhaul.
"I don't know who he represents. He doesn't represent me," she says in the beginning of the video, adding that she's already consulted her counsel, who told her "the legal theories upon which they're filing is highly questionable."
Most of the good gubernatorial zingers come near the front end of the video but here are a couple other good shots:
At about 1:30, she describes her time as attorney general and the decisions she made. And how she was way better at that job than McKenna.
And, at 4:40, she says, "He may represent the people of Florida, but not on the dime of the taxpayers of the state of Washington."