Spokane man gets what remains of his car back — Spokane Police chased down four suspected carjackers and their stolen car last night, arresting the quartet after the vehicle crashed through three fences and into a building near the intersection of Trent and Freya, before it caught fire. Choice quote from a Spokane Police officer: "It is a treat to be able to catch guys like this." (KREM)
Vile vandals ransack garden — On Monday night, villains gained access to the Northeast Community Garden in Spokane and left behind crushed plants, destroyed stakes and a pilfered a shed. In all, seven beds in the garden were vandalized. (KXLY)
Don't want a baby? Don't have to pay. — A panel of doctors and health experts have concluded that contraceptives should be offered free of charge under last year's federal health care overhaul. Anti-abortion groups are none-too-pleased. (SR)