There have been plenty of big, splashy musicals in recent years, but why are they always so grim? This one, about teens in Baltimore in the early '60s, is incredibly happy, and heck, John Travolta plays a 350-pound woman! It's about mother-daughter relationships, husband-wife relationships, times of racial change, all celebrated in catchy song and dance, with a star-turn performance by newcomer Nikki Blonsky. Yes, there is such thing as a feel-good movie. (ES) Rated PG
When New York firefighter and single dad Larry (Kevin James) can't see how he'll be able to get the benefits he needs to keep custody of his kids, he does what anyone would do - he marries his best friend Chuck (Adam Sandler) to get domestic partner benefits. Making light of a serious subject like gay marriage can be tricky territory, but sprinkle in some nice cameos (Steve Buscemi, Dan Aykroyd) and you've got the makings of this summer's funniest movie. (TSM)