The MAC’s 100 Stories exhibit opens this weekend

click to enlarge The MAC’s 100 Stories exhibit opens this weekend
Lisa Waananen
The MAC's new exhibit about Inland Northwest history, called 100 Stories, opens tomorrow.

If you happened to sleepily jog past the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture this morning, you too may have been startled by the sudden appearance of giant white numbers. They’ve sprung up on the lawn outside the museum and the neighboring Campbell House, and they’re part of the MAC’s ambitious, sprawling new exhibit called 100 Stories — A Centennial Exhibition. Hopefully it will be like a real-life listicle: “100 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know About Inland Northwest History.”

We wrote about it as an event pick this week — get our weekend events newsletter here — but there was no media preview, so we don’t actually know too much yet about everything that’s in it. We do know the exhibit will have a two-year run with related events, and that many of the artifacts haven’t been displayed before. It corresponds with the Eastern Washington State Historical Society’s 100-year anniversary and also includes locations beyond the museum’s campus in Browne’s Addition.

Speaking of Browne’s, here’s a closer photo of that number 20:

click to enlarge The MAC’s 100 Stories exhibit opens this weekend
Lisa Waananen

The exhibit opens Sat, Feb. 22. The opening day also includes poetry, music, hands-on activities and a performance from the Spokane Storytelling League. You can find details about hours and admission on the MAC site here. Look for additional coverage in an upcoming issue of the Inlander.

click to enlarge The MAC’s 100 Stories exhibit opens this weekend
Lisa Waananen
What's No. 19? Go see all the numbers and their artifacts this weekend.