Summer Adventures Await

Summer Camps 2022

click to enlarge Summer Adventures Await
Annalise Fuller illustration

With sunny days already making an appearance, daydreaming about time spent outdoors in the summer air is becoming even more realistic.

While compiling this year's Inlander Summer Camp Guide, I couldn't help but wish I had a time machine so I could experience a childhood summer all over again. There are endless opportunities in the forms of camps, classes and programs offered throughout the Inland Northwest for kids to enjoy all summer long — it's enough to make us grownups a little jealous! From camps for The Lord of the Rings fanatics to a session dedicated to Washington's newly appointed state sport, pickleball, there's truly something for everyone.

If you're into a more classic approach to summer camp — you know, cabins, campfires, the whole shebang — sleep-away camps are back again in full force this year. Favorite sites like Camp Lutherhaven, Camp Sweyolakan and Camp Reed are ready for returning and new campers to partake in all the art, science, music and nature programs they have to offer, while campers make memories to last a lifetime.

Some programs are still bouncing back from the past two years of uncertainty, though, so if you don't see your favorite camp listed in this year's guide, make sure to check with them directly to ensure you don't miss out.

Be safe, be well and enjoy everything that summer has to offer!

Summer Camps Guide editor