Nooners for bibliophiles, local laughs and being your own Top Chef

Happy humpday, people. Be sure to check out our event listings and Staff Picks, where you'll find myriad ways to treat yo' self. 

No time to scroll? Here are some highlights for Wednesday, Jan. 14: 

COMMUNITY | One ideal way to split your week in half? Join the Lunchtime Book Group at the downtown library at noon, where you can jump in the discussion of William Kent Krueger's Ordinary Grace

FOOD & DRINK | Just before watching the new episode of Top Chef, get your own knife skills into shape with a class at the Inland Northwest Culinary Academy. "Butterfly, Brunoise and Chiffonade" will get you chopping with ease in one night. 

COMEDY | Another night, another opportunity to catch some quality local comedy. This time, it's at Big Dipper for Comedy Jam 2015, featuring comics Steven Johnson, Jared Munson, Phillip Kopczynski and Steven Tye.