The holiday season is the perfect time to give back to those in need. Charitable donations are welcome year-round, but donating to a nonprofit during one of the hardest times of the year for some is a great way to show gratitude for the work that these important organizations do, including the following.
For decades, SNAP has been supporting Spokane County residents through its myriad human services programs ranging from rental and utility assistance to small business workshops. In 2021, SNAP's work aided more than 40,000 households and helped transition more than 200 individuals from homelessness to permanent housing. Find out how to donate your time or money by visiting the following link.
Make-A-Wish's regional branch offers hope and joy to kids with critical illnesses, a result that's medically backed by their doctors, who report that "wish alumni" show improved emotional and physical well-being, as well as better quality of life. Donations of time and/or money help Make-A-Wish make dreams come true for even more children as they traverse the challenging road of treatment and recovery.
Every Woman Can encourages awareness and education of women's health issues. The organization's central belief is that all women should have access to regular mammograms and clinical breast exams, follow-up diagnostics, and assistance with transportation to and from medical appointments when needed. To do your part, donate, attend and volunteer at events.
For over 100 years, Hutton Settlement has cared for local children in need of an alternative, long-term home, providing education and a nurturing environment to help prepare them for success in life. To support this mission, locals can volunteer their time, including as an educator or host parent. Donations support learning opportunities, educational scholarships and housing for kids who are working hard as students, and even as budding entrepreneurs.
This organization's mission is to "prevent, interrupt and repair cycles of abuse and neglect within families." Mental health services for both parents and children, treatment to combat substance abuse, and parenting courses are all provided by Partners. Its Children's Advocacy Center helps provide a safe space for children who've been neglected or abused. Donations of time and money directly support local families served.
While the Spokane River is far too icy and cold to enjoy beyond its physical beauty in winter, work to keep it healthy is a year-round effort. The Spokane Riverkeeper not only oversees programs to clean up trash and protect the river's ecosystem from harmful pollution, it also educates local youth and the broader public about the importance of doing so. Donations make this work possible.
Transitions works to end poverty and homelessness for the women and children of Spokane. Through its programs at six physical locations in the area, Transitions operates drop-in shelters, job training, child care, and transitional and supporting housing. Donate to help buy diapers and bus passes that many participants rely on, or become a volunteer.
The Spokane County Human Rights Task Force supports those who have been faced with bigotry, hatred and prejudice, and helps victims combat these biases in order to advance human rights for all. The organization also monitors local instances of hate speech and crime in order to help put a halt to these heinous actions. ♦