CAT FRIDAY: Portland rapper Moshow's muse? Cats, of course.

"Chillin' in a cat world" and "I just woke up, imma clean some cat litter" don't work in every rap song, obviously, but these lines definitely fit into Portland-based rap artist Moshow's cat rap tracks. The self-proclaimed "Cat Rapper" made headlines today after appearing for an on-screen interview with Portland's KGW TV station.

In the interview, Moshow says he hopes to spread the message that people shouldn't be afraid to show who they really are — in his case, a cat guy who also loves to rap. When the host comments that it's unusual for guys to be so open about their love for cats — an expression typically reserved for us "cat ladies" — Moshow responds by saying "all cat ladies in the world are beautiful."

The artist goes on to say that he's not afraid to show his love for cats, and he wants all guys out there to "man up and show their love for cats," too.

With his posse of female sphinxes (Sushi, Tali and Megamam; no, the last name isn't a typo. Get it?) in tow — each wearing fly cat outfits; sphinxes get cold in all that Portland rain — Moshow goes on to explain that he feels a connection to the hairless breed, which is often called out for it's unusual or "weird" look.

After graduating with a computer science degree, Moshow says he moved to Portland to pursue his musical career, picking the city because he thought he'd be accepted there for his weirdness and deep love of cats. 

(Meanwhile, Portland and Seattle were recently declared the top cat-owning cities in the U.S., and writers at some of the cities' alt-weeklies are in heated debate as to which city really is the most cat-loving.)

Check out Moshow's video below for "Cat World," starring his trio of sphinxes, because who needs sexy dancers? Cats are cuter.