NEWS: The city has hired two new spokeswoman in positions that were once the center of controversy.
NEWS: Spokane special ed leader accused of "aggressive" behavior before resignation, investigation
Sanders in Spokane
Brushing aside reported suggestions from President Barack Obama that he should drop his presidential bid, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will instead hold a rally in Spokane on Sunday in advance of Washington state’s upcoming Democratic caucus.
EPA chief says agency slow to intervene in lead crises
Gina McCarthy, administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, told a congressional panel that her agency didn’t lean hard enough on Michigan state officials to solve Flint’s water-poisoning crisis.
GOP not backing down on Supreme Court
Republican senators are still refusing to consider confirming Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s pick for the nation’s highest court, even thought he came to visit them.
Federal lands bill voted down by Idaho lawmakers
Although the issue of the federal government owning most of the land in Idaho has gained traction politically, a bill intended to block the feds from acquiring more land was deemed to go too far by legislators.
Idaho lawmaker gives up insurance
Idaho state Sen. Sen. Dan Schmidt, D-Moscow, says he’ll give up his his taxpayer-funded health coverage to protest a decision by his fellow legislators to vote down a measure that would have provided medical insurance to Idahoans who’ve fallen into so-called coverage gap, meaning they are too poor to qualify for federally subsidized insurance but are too well off to qualify for Medicaid.
Photos of Cobain’s gun released
For some unexplained reason, Seattle police have released images of the shotgun Kurt Cobain, singer of the iconic 1990s band Nirvana, used to end his life.