I Saw You


REALITY SHOW HOUSEWIVES OF SPOKANE: The past few months have been an absurdist back & forth between various parties sending dubious missives responded to by the wrong people in what amounts to comedy gold. Example - the "outthere" valentine was an exercise in poetic justice & literary irony. Any clown with decent reading comprehension at least understands she never gave into temptation. She felt a love that while sensual is spectacular & incandescent. It is doubtful someone of your small mind & heart shouting homewrecker like you want to burn a witch, has capacity to understand. In other words — this is not your "homewrecker." Such a message traditionally is meant to contain details only known between the people concerned — it is a Princess Bride, "as you wish" to the universe in order to let go. In effect the writer of the valentine is a goody two shoes, indeed, powerful witches considering their energy & will power, by the grace of God. Most are loving daughters, faithful friends & loyal to the gates of Sheol, & beyond. They aren't bad only drawn that way. Find greater meaning in life. Do something besides be a hypocritical harper valley pta member.

RE: NEVER OUTTHERE: If I am mistaken, I apologize. If the person who wrote this is the person I suspect it to be, then I would just say deflecting and at the same time saying come home continues to avoid the issue. You are right I cried to you many times, funny thing is I can't see you ever doing the same for me. Pride is insidious but provides little comfort. If you really want to change the situation, you are going to have to take the first step. After I was slapped down I can't do it again, not out of pride but just to protect my own mental and emotional health

WHO IS WASTING TIME NOW? Life is short, act. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


MY SONSHINES! Lorin and Taos, You guys are my life. You guys keep glowing my sonshines! Know I am here not abandoned while I heal up. My spine was broken, but not my hope, love and support for you. Always do what's right! See me or I'll see you. lol -From Toddad

TRADER JOE'S CASHIER: March 3 you engaged in a mutual appreciative conversation about both of our enjoyment of everything hazelnut while you rang up my grocery purchase. I had just left Holy Family visiting a loved one at the close of her life before a 3+ hour drive home. Cannot express how well your smile and that joyful conversation shepherded me on my drive home. Kindness counts.

UNEXPECTED BUT MUCH APPRECIATED: Many thanks to the understanding staff person (manager?) at the O'Reilly auto parts store on West Rowan. When I unloaded my frustration with a device I bought from your store 16 months ago all I was hoping for was a recommendation of a better alternative. You not only found one, you credited me with a refund even though I no longer had the receipt. Then you lowered the price of the replacement so I had to pay nothing for the exchange. Wow, what a pleasant experience!


HOSTILE OLD GMC TAUPE SUV: 2/25 I-90 Eastbound. You: Aggressively passed on my right, cut me off & braked before roaring off. My over-the-limit speed not enough? For over a mile you continued to do the same, back and forth, across 3 lanes. Not speed but the AUDACITY of people not pulling out of your way! Guess none of us was aware I-90 is your personal, private, roadway. You must be a joy to live with. No consideration for others. No thought of how causing an accident could affect lives, including your own: no vehicle for work, errands, transporting children; possible permanent disability or death, and for you, a vehicular manslaughter conviction if one died. The final head-shaker: We left I-90 at the same exit 15 seconds apart.

NO NEWS ABOUT REAL CURRENT EVENTS: Jeers to the cowardly, lame, local news for NOT showing all the protests happening around the country. The stories are on YouTube & Insta but not on your stations. They can't all be fake. Do your jobs! You help support Democracy, or is that the point?

REPUBLICANS: Jeers to the Republicans' new slogan MRGA (make Russia great again). It turns out that Senator Joe McCarthy was wasn't wrong, just off by half century, and it's not Democrats but the Republicans.

ENOUGH WITH OUR SPINELESS LEADERS: Someone once said, "You can judge a society by its prisons." I absolutely disagree. You judge a society by how safe its citizens are. When kids can't play outside because a repeat pedophile might get them, the system is wrong. When criminals with multiple felonies have more rights then their victims, the system is wrong. Our leaders are too busy listening to criminal rights lawyers and others who have the leaders in their back pocket to care about victims. Bring in people who are willing to do whatever it takes to clean our streets.

RESTAURANT WEEK MENU ANNOYANCE: Please, my dear Inlander, do not put a restaurant week menu in the vegetarian section if there isn't an option for vegetarian in each course! If they have spiced nuts as an option in the 1st course and no other vegetarian option in the 2nd or 3rd course, they don't belong there. I'm not paying $45 for some nuts and that's it! Side note, I actually don't know if this specific example is relevant but a friend was raging and I said I'd put in a jeers for them.

DISINVEST FROM ALL MBA PROGRAMS: Being that most MBA graduates are either airheads, borderline weasels, or fast talkers who think they're so smart they have to lie to the rest of us 'cuz we don't know what's good for us and couldn't understand anyhow, or just lie because they can and it gets them off, oh wait ... we have to throw groping in there, too ... probably should mention lying like a million more times - okay, being that most MBA graduates suck, why are we putting them in charge of the public good so frequently? Let them go ruin private businesses if that's what the business owners want - but there's no need to have these petted toddlers ruining public investments, like EWU. Wow, you can fire people. Wow, you can make cuts. Then the people who know how to actually run a place do the work of dealing with it - at a lower pay grade, mind you. MBAs have a pretty basic bag of tricks: Squeeze people as hard as you can and then whine that no one appreciates you, while causing mass disorganization. Holy crap - this is our whole government now, isn't it?

TO THE PERSON WHO DUMPED A DEAD CAT IN INDIAN CANYON: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? You didn't bury him/her. Left it like trash in a blue sheet (with cat food & medicine containers) on the ground, for others -- ME -- to find when picking up litter. No thought for this animal or for others as it decays in the open air. Yeah, you really loved that creature who gave you love and devotion. Please. DON'T get another animal. Stick with the stuffed ones. They don't require much of you.

RE: RE: STRANGER TERMS OF ENDEARMENT: I did not read the original person's comments, but this is why it gets under my skin. It's OVERLY friendly, thus unprofessional. I'm not their babe or child. It doesn't project warmth to a lot of people, it's cringe. In outer realm of women not wanting to be called pet names, many men don't either. They're not my lover not my friend. I find it insulting and demeaning. With complicated last names ASK or ask permission to call a client by the first name if you have trouble saying it. Back to your original point. A server shouldn't assume it's ok, it's their bad.

CONGRESS PLAYS POLITICS WITH PUBLIC MEDIA: Jeers to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her so-called "government efficiency" subcommittee for wasting taxpayer time by dragging PBS and NPR into a partisan hearing instead of tackling real issues. Public media is one of the most trusted institutions in America because it serves everyone (rural, urban, liberal, conservative) and gives communities like ours in the Inland NW access to fact-based news, emergency alerts, and free educational programming that no commercial network provides. Cheers to KSPS, PBS and SPR for being a true local lifeline, telling our stories, keeping rural areas connected, and supporting teachers and parents with trusted kids' programming in a country where over half of children have no access to pre-K. At just $1.60 per person per year, public media is a bargain. Call or write your representatives and tell them to protect local public media! ♦