THIS WEEK: Bro Dads, New Year's Eve and First Day Hikes all on tap
Cougars and Gophers face off
Washington State University will play Minnesota today in the Holiday Bowl, capping off a season that went relatively well for both teams on the field, but not so well off the field. Here's what to expect in the game kicking off at 4 pm.
Watch the road
After the snowstorm overnight, expect high winds today with gusts up to 45 mph, creating "blizzard like conditions" on some roadways. (KXLY)
Passing the trash
Trash pickup at the curb could become a bit more expensive in a few months. Spokane County officials are proposing a $3.5 percent boost in rates to dispose of garbage at two transfer stations in Colbert and Spokane Valley. (Spokesman-Review)
Almost a crash landing
For an apparently unknown reason, a pilot landed her plane at Felts Field Tuesday morning with the landing gear up. She wasn't hurt, and the FAA is investigating. (KREM)
If you don't count California...
With the Trump administration seemingly unwilling to take climate change seriously, California leaders — including Gov. Jerry Brown — will take it upon themselves to work directly with other nations to fight climate change in the U.S.
Russian sanctions
The Obama administration is figuring out the best way to punish Russian hackers for interfering with the election.
Trump defends his foundation
In the "what will Donald tweet today?" news, the president-elect defended his charitable foundation that has come under scrutiny and is being investigated by the New York attorney general. The Washington Post takes the opportunity to point out who actually donates to the Donald J. Trump Foundation (hint: Trump has given less to his own foundation than other people) and what the charity's money is actually used for.