Carrie Fisher's death inspires a heart-health checkup for women; plus, flex-spending and kid time

click to enlarge Carrie Fisher's death inspires a heart-health checkup for women; plus, flex-spending and kid time
Actress Carrie Fisher died this week after a heart attack.


For Star Wars fans, the news of the death of Princess Leia, actress Carrie Fisher, at age 60 from a heart attack seemed astonishing. But here are some surprising facts from the Women’s Heart Foundation:
• 83,000 American women under the age of 65 have heart attacks each year
• Heart attacks account for a third of all deaths in women
• 71 percent of women experience early warning signs of heart attack with sudden onset of weakness that feels like the flu—often with no chest pain at all.

About the only good news? “Women’s hearts respond better than men’s to healthy lifestyle changes."

Flexible Spending account about to expire?
If you have set money aside in a flexible spending account to cover health care expenses, be aware that the time to use it is rapidly diminishing as the year draws to a close. On the upside, you might be surprised at all the things you can buy. Some require a doctor's note, but there are many things you can purchase without a note. So don’t waste that hard-earned cash, spend it!

Kid Time
Worried your kids aren’t make the most of their potential during this holiday break? Take a tip from the Danes, and let them play, unhindered by adult intervention. You’ll enjoy it, and so will they.