Readers react to the Women's March and start of the Trump Era

Letters to the Editor

Reactions to our photo coverage of the Women's March on Spokane, which saw an estimated 8,000 participants carrying signs and showing their solidarity the day after Donald Trump's inauguration:

John Marchi: None of these marches mean a thing to a man like Trump. Women aren't mad enough yet. They need to start breaking things and causing real problems before he will even notice. Until they hurt his businesses he won't notice. It's bottom line to him, period.

Jason Keedy: Great job Spokane! Very proud of my city. We did it right... loud proud and NONVIOLENT. Block out the noise, block out the cynicism, block out apathy. Keep it up for this is the right path.

Eliza Hughes: Absolutely astonishing!!! Incredible to see all sorts of people marching for soooo many different reasons. Proof that we can be united despite our differences and beliefs.

David Backus: Protests. Marches. ... What they don't accomplish. Remove a disliked president from office. Install the president you want. Make the party that's in control of the government change their minds and plan of action. Change the minds of voters who disagree with your politics. B: What they DO accomplish. Self soothing (Make yourself feel better after a political loss.) Let you vent and get it out of your system. (If you can do it peacefully go for it. Yell, scream, holler, shout, get it ALL out.) Gives you an illusion of control, as if somehow you will decide what happens in your country. Provokes ire, scorn, and ridicule from people who disagree with you.

Richard Hawks: Pretty sure marches worked to progress the civil rights movement. ♦

Reactions to last week's cover story on Donald Trump's presidency, in which we examined how, as the wealthiest president ever, he could help the poorest U.S. citizens:

Elizabeth Parker: Hilarious. He has NO CLUE about what we regular folks deal with financially day to day, week to week, year to year. And he really doesn't care, clearly, from his Cabinet choices.

Susan Rouleau Surby: He's never lived anything but a life of privilege. Never stepped foot into a public school like mine. Never uttered the word poverty. Or [experienced] trauma many kids face today. He doesn't plan to be the president for the 99%-ers. Busy with the 1%-ers.

Connie Wolf: Oh, you mean like he has already started doing? Like raising mortgage insurance, starting the process to take away ACA, etc.? Oh yeah, right! ♦