Tuesday, August 31, 2010

KREM reporter chastised for frightening children

Posted on Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:17 PM

Spokane County Sheriff's spokesman Dave Reagan just sent out a press release chastising KREM reporter Marissa Bagg, saying she and her camera guy trespassed at the home of Deputy Brian Hirzel, the officer involved in the shooting of 74-year-old pastor Wayne Scott Creach last Thursday.

According to Reagan: 

On Tuesday afternoon, KREM reporter Marissa Beggs and her photographer went to the home of Deputy Hirzel in North Idaho and trespassed on the property in order to get a camera up to the windows of the home. Brian and his wife are out of the area, and the "news" team scared the children in the home. Three Kootenai County Sheriff's patrol units responded to the home, called away from their normal duties.

This is inappropriate, and if anyone in the media needed a textbook reason for temporarily withholding the names of officers involved in shootings, this would be it. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, the Kootenai County Sheriff's Office, Deputy Hirzel and I request that you not victimize his family by this type of action.

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